59. (*)

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"I think you killed me."

Stella's voice sounded rough as I still had my eyes closed. My nose was pressed to her shoulder from behind as I had my entire face smooched against her bare skin. I didn't want to open my eyes yet.

"Hm?" I managed to croak out, using way too much energy just for that.

"I think you killed me." She repeated just as raspily. I managed to let out a chuckle, "You said it was the best sex of your life."

Her legs shifted slightly underneath the sheet, "Are they moving? I can't feel it." She exaggerated and my body shook in a soft chuckle as I brushed my nose over her spine, not changing my position. We were naked in bed, and I had no idea what time it was.

Or what day it was.

Or where we were.

All I knew was that I did not want to open my eyes and stare into the light that would give me a pounding headache immediately. I wanted to stay here with my body pressed to Stella's warmth, inhaling her scent and hearing her soft breaths. I wanted to feel her fingers toying with mine, her foot rubbing up and down my calf and the way her muscles would twitch in a shallow sleep.

She groaned though, stirring slightly which made me hold her tighter, mumbling something under my breath in protest.

"I've literally never had a hangover this bad, holy fuck." Stella complained softly and I groaned again, shushing her gently, "Shh, not talking, 's too loud." I murmured into her back as I tried to stay in our little bubble. I wasn't sure how long I had been awake for. Maybe hours, I couldn't really remember. Maybe I was still a little bit high.

"One of us should get up and get painkillers and water."

Stella's suggestion didn't sound half bad and I sighed out, "One of us..."

"Yes." She cleared her throat, "And I think it should be you."

I frowned and scoffed, eyes still closed, "Why?"

"Because you fucked my ass."

My lips curled up in a smile and I snickered softly, "Fair point."

"And I literally can't walk." She added, "Like... no joke. I don't think I can hold up my weight today."

"Hmm." I hummed sleepily, "Fine, give me a minute." My voice was a slur as I fought an upcoming yawn, eventually letting it out against Stella's naked back. My breath perspired on her skin and I lazily pressed a kiss there, eyes still closed. We fell in silence for a few minutes again until I forced myself to wake up. I knew if I didn't do it now, I'd fall asleep again and we'd be stuck here.

I did the mental countdown before softly blinking my eyes open, wincing instantly as the shitty curtains of the van didn't stop the harsh daylight. Stella's body trembled in a giggle, "Opened your eyes, did you?"

"Yeah." I groaned, "Fuck, this was a mistake."

"C'mon, you've got this." She tiredly mumbled and I rolled my eyes but bit my tongue. She was right, I was the one who fucked all the feeling out of her legs and I was the one with a higher tolerance for drugs. Besides the obvious weight and height difference, I was more experienced with it. I saw it last time too, when she took that pill of ecstasy. It hit her for way longer than it did me.

I tried to forget that night with all my might, though. I forced her into drugs to try and forget about the constant battle that I was going through. It was incredibly selfish of me and I shot into defence mode when she asked me about it the next day. I was so confused that night that I hardly enjoyed celebrating the New Year. My guilt was eating me up way too much.

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