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We didn't stay forever.


The first thing I felt when waking up, was the pounding, pounding headache in my head. It was situated behind my eyes mostly, making me squint them together as I rested on the mattress of my bed in the East Village.

I felt like shit.

I didn't know what time it was, I wasn't ready to open my eyes yet. I wasn't even ready to move yet. Everything felt heavy and burning, and I wasn't sure if I was hot or cold. I could feel Harry's foot against my leg, signalling that he was actually here because I for sure did not have the energy to turn around.

We stayed until seven at Compass and thought it was an amazing idea to fucking walk home. It wasn't too far, maybe a thirty minute walk, but I was in a tank top and it was snowing. Due to the drugs I could definitely not feel any pain or discomfort but I could for sure feel it now. My feet were killing me, everything kind of hurt and I just felt sore all over.

Harry and I were terribly hungry after that so we stopped somewhere along the way to buy some pizza slices and ended up chatting to the owner of that pizza place for like thirty minutes. I had no idea the shit we had all said to him.

Upon our arrival home, Harry tried to have sex with me but the drugs had an interesting effect on his body and he shamefully admitted he couldn't get hard while being high. So we just fell asleep. I think.

"Stella." Harry's raspy voice was nothing more than a whisper and I flinched a little at the sudden voice which snapped me out of my thoughts. I still couldn't bear to turn around so I just grumbled into the pillow, "Yeah."

"Are we dead?"

The soft chuckle rising in my throat made me wince from how much it hurt my head to laugh, "No. We're not." I groaned back.

I knew I had to get up. I had to brush my teeth, take off my make-up, take some medicine and put on warm clothes before crawling back into bed for the rest of the day. But I didn't want to move. I dreaded the thought of having to leave the current position I was in even if it wasn't all that comfy.

My hair was stuck in my face, I could feel the clumps of my mascara, my breath was horrible and I was wearing the camisole top and underwear, meaning my feet were freezing.

Also, we needed to hydrate.

I was still in shock of the fact that I had taken ecstasy the evening before. I wasn't planning on it and I wasn't sure if I was happy about it. Sure I'd had fun, but it had also given me a great deal of anxiety and I was sure that without it, I also would've had fun. I had to admit I felt a little pushed by Harry to try the drugs. And I didn't know how to feel about that.

Maybe it was his way of pulling me out of my comfort zone, which was nice of him to try but at the same time I was perfectly happy where I was. It was comfortable and I didn't really feel the need to get out of that zone. I was fine where I was. Besides, there were other ways to pull me out of my comfort zone that didn't require illegal drugs.

My body for sure felt the comedown now. I was a ball of energy last night, dancing for hours in a row which was now the cause for my pained muscles. I knew chewing and jaw aches were normal after having taken ecstasy, but wow. My cheeks were ruined, I could literally taste the blood in my mouth and my jaw still felt tense. This was no walk in the park.

The headache was probably due to the alcohol and the dehydration from both the drugs and the drinks.

I would need at least two days to recover from this.

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