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“ Jiujiu!!”
Screamed a boy in yellow and golden robes ,with a little crown on his hair tie, declaring it's authority as a Sect leader . “Here you are! Why are  you so late? I have been waiting for more then two hours!! How will you become a responsible and respected sect leader if you don't even know how to value  someone's fucking time!!!!”, yelled Jiang Cheng with a annoyed face. “ I just said a word and you gave me lecture like I have committed a sin, I'm a sect leader now , can't you spare me some face? !! And.... I'm sorry, I....!!!!”, Jin ling trembled at the last line. “ Wow! So I can't even scold you now? No matter who you are! For me you are only a stupid brat who don't even know how to tie his fucking hair!!”,snorts Jiang Cheng fixing jin ling's hair which were a complete mess. He continued, “ And look at you!! Is this how a sect leader goes to a meeting?, On the top when he is the centre of today's topic in meeting? And why the hell were you sleeping so late? ”, asked Jiang Cheng lowering his hands as he finished fixing his hairs. Jin ling didn't spoke a word , he just slightly lowered his gaze away from Jiang Cheng's eyes, he slightly grips his robes. Jiang Cheng saw that he understood that he must be scared of today's discussion, and he must have been thinking of every negative and positive probability instead of sleeping. Well, he can't blame him, anyone who was at his place would have done the same! What only his age is ? 16 ? He don't want to tell Jin ling but he is proud of him how he managed to take care of himself and his sect during the past 8 months!!.

He slowly lifts his hand and pats Jin ling's head warmly , with a strange calm voice he spoke, “We often ruins things even before they begins! Overthinking! Imagining! Expecting! Doubting! Just let it naturally evolve. Only focus on doing your part as your best!!”. Jin ling melts down in this sudden warm gesture of his cold and grumpy jiujiu. He smiles and nods at him. “ Let go we are getting late!”, said Jiang Cheng again going back to his grumpy mode and he walked at front with Jin ling following him .

“Hey Sizhui!! Jingyi!!,” screamed a boy running towards him. “ You idiot! You can't run in cloud recesses!! Did you came here to fool around?”, screamed a middle aged man frowning. “ Baba screaming is also prohibited in cloud recesses!! I came here for my friends not to interrupt your elders meeting!!”, said boy and ran towards the two lan. Hmph!, exclaimed sect leader Ouyang and walked towards the hall. “ You shouldn't have talk like that with your father zizhen!”, exclaimed Sizhui calmly. “ You don't know he always like to nag me. I'm not at all interested in any of these boring meetings! I only came for young master Jin.”, said zizhen looking here and there. “ Yes! Today's discussion will be very important part of young mistress Jin life !!”, said Jingyi also looking here and there. Sizhui spoke,

“ He is yet to arrive! And I am sure nothing bad will happen as....

As....said the other two juniors together.

“ As... a-niang will also be there in today's meeting specially for young master Jin!”, he said calmly.

“ No way ! Senior wei, he is joining today's discussion? This is gonna be fun to watch! I'm sure now no one can raise there fingers towards our arrogant young master!!”, laughed zizhen. “ I don't think so!....”, said Jingyi in deep thoughts. “ What do you mean ? ”, asked Sizhui. “ Ahhh! I didn't mean any bad about senior wei's presence, but I don't think he will be required!”, said Jingyi trying to clarify himself. “ I still didn't get! What you want to say?”, zizhen asked massaging his temples. “ Aiyya , you..tch..I mean to say senior wei presence won't be required as I know that , there is a very less possibility of today's discussion to go wrong. As , how sect leader Jiang has always handled things for young mistress! I don't think he will let anyone do any harm to him ,isn't? He is man with a strong opinion he won't let the things go bad!!”, said Jingyi.

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