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" Can you stop scaring him ? ", xichen said , annoyance was clear in his voice . Suddenly Bai longnu started laughing,

" Just look at his face !! Hahaha my god it really nice to tease him. Only if you have not interrupted!", Bai longnu scoffs looking at xichen. Jiang Cheng was not able to gasps the situation, he asked ,

" What's going on? ", before xichen could say anything bai longnu spoke,

" Oh sect leader Jiang, you are such a innocent foolish soul . I just leaded you and you were led straight to the pit hehe . ", Jiang Cheng was now fuming with anger ,

" Do you think you can easily joke about these things ? Have you lost your mind or what ? If you were not a woman, I would have chopped you right here for good. ",

" Tch! Do you think you can? ",Bai longnu smirks . Jiang Cheng hold tighten on sandu ,

" Just fucking speak what you want ? ",

" And why do you think..I am obliged to answer you ? Hmm ? ", Bai longnu leaned infront of Jiang Cheng's face with typical innocent look on her face . Jiang Cheng took few step back fuming with anger , he was going to pull sandu out but xichen immediately hold his hand ,

" A-cheng , if you draw sandu , you are declaring war against her ! You can't win against her ! ", tried to calm him. Jiang Cheng furious gazes turns to xichen from bai longnu,

" And what if I am declaring war against her ? Yunmeng Jiang clan will fought the war without disturbing gusu lan Sect Leader lan ! Hah! She is sprouting nonsense from the very start, not to mention those fucking threats! And you are taking her side ? ",

Xichen tightens his grip on Jiang Cheng hand which was holding the sandu , he drew a heavy sigh ,

" It's not about the peace of gusu lan but of the safety of every one , specially yours. Do you think I want to listen her nonsense? I do believe in non violence but I am no saint wanyin! I am a sect leader myself, but she is way too powerful than us for now , atleast without any back up. ",

Xichen said as calmly as he could , Jiang Cheng furious eyes could no longer stand against the calm of xichen's eyes . He shakes xichen hand away also withdrawing sandu . Xichen closes his eyes in relief before turning his back to face Bai longnu ,

" I think I have already made myself clear . Can you please stop this rain and all this ruckus? " , xichen sharp voice pierced the cave , even startling Jiang Cheng but it made no sense to bai longnu , she scoffs ,

" Do you think I will fucking believe you? When you are being this caring towards this fierce sect leader? How am I supposed to believe you that this person doesn't hold your heart ? ",

Jiang Cheng wasn't able to make head and tail of the situation when xichen spoke again ,

" But he doesn't hold me in his heart ! There is no way he is my soulmate. I....I....I myself don't think I hold him that precious in my heart ! ", xichen helplessly sighs finishing his sentence. Jiang Cheng confused face went from being more confused to blank , first he was not able to understand the situation, second this self rejecting and rejecting together situation made him even more numb , before he could he speak bai longnu started laughing,

" Hahaha You literally said him few minutes ago , ' I only like you ', no I may be a dragon but I have ears ! And the way you being so protective of him from the moment he stepped inside, I never saw you being this protective to anyone , leave anyone even to your shushu when he was here last time . Why is he being so important? ",

Jiang Cheng was now feeling dizzy with this without head and tail conversation, when he saw xichen sighs in defeat , xichen slightly turns to his back , looking at him , he softly said ,

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