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“ Hanguang-jun! Zewujun!”, Jingyi bows . Nie Huaisang and his disciples too bow while twin jades and wen ning returns the bow . Nie Huaisang was looking at zewujun who had a subtle smile on his face ,

“ How are you doing a-sang ?”, zewujun asked politely. Huaisang gripped his fan ,

“ I...I'm good Sect Lead...I mean Er-ge. ”, huaisang stumble on his words , avoiding eye contact.

“ Zewujun!! Sect Leader Nie said he will help us and had brought his best disciples with him , many of them were trained under Previous Sect Leader Nie !”, Jingyi said trying to light tension.

“ Really? If they were trained under da-ge means they sure are the best . Thank you a-sang!”, xichen said patting huaisang shoulder. Huaisang was froze on his place , he just hugged xichen, suppressing his cry. Xichen pats his head ,

“ What happened in your sect this time ?”, he asked like the old times. Huaisang chuckles,

“ Er-ge, they are bullying me again . Please help me this last time .”,

“ I will definitely. First let's go to qishan, wanyin and a-xian are waiting for us .”,

Huaisang let go of xichen , he nods and they start following wen ning who was quietly standing in the side till now . Wen ning infront with twin jades at back and Jingyi and Nie Huaisang's with nie sect following them . Jingyi felt a tug on his robes , he glances at his side , huaisang mouthed a thank you to him , he just nods with smile .


“ Since we both will be at loss , so why don't we make a deal in which we both will be benefited ?”, Feng shu said composing himself.

“ There you go!! One shouldn't waste time on useless things. Say what you want !”, wei wuxian said sighing.

“ But will you be able to give ?”, feng shu smirks .

“ As long as you don't ask for my lan zhan !”, said wei wuxian grinning.

“ I'm not asking you but Sect Leader Jiang. Will you be able to give ?”,

Both Jiang Cheng and Wei wuxian had taken aback, they thought he wanted something from Wei wuxian that's why he asked for wei wuxian first but this turn caught them off guarded ,

“ What you want? ”, Jiang Cheng asked, he seriously felt the answer will not be something he will like .

“ Lotus pier....!!”, 

Zidian unleashed wrapping the fellow Sect Leader, Jiang Cheng's eyes blood shot . Wei wuxian too stands up glaring at him,

“ You fucking dare to say that again!! ”, Jiang Cheng tightenn zidian grip.

“ Chill out Sect Leader Jiang! You are forgetting something!”, feng shu grinned as he snaps his finger. Two soldiers came with Jin ling held at the sword point. Suddenly the two soldiers get vanish in thin air and a yellow fog surrounds Jin ling capturing him inside like a bubble, Jin ling screams in panic ,

“ JIUJIU !! ”,


Both twin prides scream together, wei wuxian tried to reach Jin ling but the bubble moves up as soon as he take a step , he turns to Feng shu,

“ What the fuck are you doing? I will skin you alive if dare to touch Jin ling or lotus pier !!”, he was fuming with anger .

“ Hahaha!! Who said I was asking for  lotus pier ? You didn't even let me finish my words , I want lotus pier's....MASTER ! ”, feng shu said  smiling at Jiang Cheng who was so stunned that zidian lose it grips . Feng shu release himself and started  walking towards Jiang Cheng when he was pushed back with a force ,

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