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Twin prides and twin jades had finally reached near yi city. All way long twin prides were the only one who were talking, wei wuxian had non stop rumble about anything.... litterly anything, getting scolded by Jiang Cheng in between. But neither of the twin jades had utter a single word and neither of the twin prides had noticed them. When they were near the yi city only then, wei wuxian stopped his nonsense,

" Why the fog here is so thick? " , exclaimed Wei wuxian curiously looking around.

" Hmmm... something really bad is happening in the city!", exclaimed Jiang Cheng.

" Wei ying!", lan zhan said for the first time.

" I'm here lan zhan!!", said wei wuxian waving his hand to brush away the fog. The fog was so thick that one couldn't see his own hand .

" I guess we should hold our hand , then only we can stay together!", said wei wuxian grabbing one hand each of the twin jades. Jiang Cheng tried to search for Wei wuxian hand and caught a hand , but immediately pulled his hand back like he felt current,

" What are you doing!? ",

" Why the hell are you here? ", said Jiang Cheng furiously.

" What happened Jiang Cheng?", asked wei wuxian.

" He is grabbing my hand!", said lan zhan glaring at Jiang Cheng which he definitely couldn't see because of fog.

" Who the hell was grabbing your hand? I thought you were that idiot! Don't go ahead of yourself!!", said Jiang Cheng frowning, wiping his hand on his robes like he touched something bad .

" Hey !! Hey !! Jiang Cheng come here!!", said wei wuxian and pulled Jiang Cheng in between of him and xichen.

" Here , let's go we have to enter the city and have to come back before sunset or else who knows what is waiting for us inside!!", said wei wuxian holding Jiang Cheng and lan zhan hand . Nor xichen's nor Jiang Cheng's hand moved to hold each other. They were just walking side by side maintaining a respectable gap between them.

Soon they were near the gate of yi city, the fog got more thick and dense making them feel like they were staring at white colour. They stopped at the gate ,

" What kind of sorcery is going on here ?" , exclaimed Jiang Cheng.

" The fog is more thicker than we have last visited .", said lan zhan.

" Hmm...this is giving creepy vibes!! Lan zhan please protect me !!", said wei wuxian clingy to lan zhan , while wangji too pulled him close saying a small mn. Jiang Cheng was feeling headache just by listening them,

" Can you both please shut up for a damn second!! We are in a serious situation !!", he thought. He didn't know why but he was feeling quite odd cause he haven't heard a single word from xichen,

" Sect Leader lan! ", he said trying to wave the fog. But he didn't heard a single word, now this was really odd ,

" Sect Leader lan? ",


" Sect leader lan ?",

He was waving his hand in the air trying to wave away the fog so he could see , suddenly his hands came in contact with two warm hands ,

" I'm here , Sect Leader Jiang!", said xichen calmly. Jiang Cheng immediately withdraw his hands,

" Can't you answer more quickly!! ", said Jiang Cheng fiddling zidian in embarassment.

" I'm sorry, sect leader Jiang but I didn't hear you. You were walking so slow that I was so far from you that I can barely hear you!", said xichen still in the same calm.

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