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" Can you stop this beating around the bush? ",

" What do you mean Sect Leader Jiang?",

" What do you mean by I came to talk to you? I came out of seclusion because of you? Do you think I don't know what are you thinking??", scoffs Jiang Cheng.

" I , myself can't figure out what I'm thinking, how come he knows?", thought xichen calmly looking at Jiang Cheng trying to read his expressions.

" Hah!! What do you think I can't even figure out something so simple? Isn't it clear that you....Want details of things happening in Jin clan!!!", scoffs Jiang Cheng raising his brow.

" Ahhh!!...uhhh??", xichen couldn't posses what exactly was going on. " I guess you are misunderstanding things, sect leader Jiang!", he said in his defend.

" Oh really!! Do you really take me as a fool! If not then why are you looking forward to talk with me?", asked Jiang Cheng frowning, since Jin ling had became Sect Leader he has been on extra alert with people. He couldn't find any other reason for a sect leader like zewujun to talk with him , to whom is familiarly unfamiliar.

" I can't even explain myself why I ended up like this....But it's surely not because of... because of Jin clan. It's just when you talked to me , I realized that you have gone through much harder times then me, still you are here . And, I was not only destroying myself but also the hopes of my loved ones.", said zewujun calmly.

Jiang Cheng narrows his eyes, " You are making fun of my sufferings or trying to pity me ?",

" None!! I admire you.", said zewujun firmly. Jiang Cheng looks at him with a stunned expression.

Zewujun continued in same tone, " No matter what happens to you or your clan, you are still like an unshakable mountain. You have gone through so much yet you don't need anyone's help. And I am so weak that....

" Who said that?", asked Jiang Cheng cutting zewujun, he( Jiang Cheng) was looking at the ground trying his best to hold himself so, he won't broke in tears, infront of the fellow sect leader. Jiang Cheng looked at zewujun with a blank face,

" Who said I don't need help? Who said I'm unshakable? Who said I gone through so much? You are wrong sect leader lan!! Cause I still fucking going through many things!! I too need someone beside me, to support me! You want to be like me UNSHAKABLE? But I will be more happy to be weak like you, if I have my family and Loved ones near me!!", despite Jiang Cheng's control a tear escape from his eyes, screaming his pain out.

Xichen didn't knew how to react to this, the sect leader whom he admires , the one whose single voice ruled the whole sect conference, who rose his sect from ashes without anybody's help...is so pitiful, so lonely.
Both were just looking quietly in each other's eyes , another tear escape from Jiang Cheng's eyes. Xichen was not able to hold his urge to wipe the tears of the fellow sect leader. He lifted his hands,


A blue glare pass from their side making both the sect leader turn towards it source, Wangji with guqin in his hand and wei wuxian beside him were walking towards them . Wangji pulls the guqin strings again, xichen pulls Jiang Cheng behind his back. Jiang Cheng wasn't able to get what was happening, why are they are here? Even if they are here , why the hell they were attacking him! He peeps from xichen back , saw that wangji wasn't really attacking him but the corpse which were coming out of nowhere. He understood that wangji was protecting him....Ahhh sorry he was protecting the man infront of him. And xichen just pulled him so, he won't be standing in the way of guqin strings. Wait why he is hiding behind xichen, he too knows to fight, he came out from xichen backs only to found the area clear like nothing was there before. Wangji looks at xichen,

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