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The words about nie clan's marriage proposal for zewujun were spreading all over the cultivation world. It was not new that someone sent marriage proposal for zewujun but for the first time grandmaster lan had accepted the proposal. Though it was all on zewujun, to completely accept the proposal , but words can always be twisted....and every city had different versions of the story . Gusu knew the truth but qinqhe was thinking they were childhood lovers , while Lanling was thinking that nie clan was in debt whereas yiling was thinking zewujun is having a child out of wedlock and yunmeng? Yunmeng too had its story ,

" Have you heard that Sect Leader lan is going to marry a girl from nie sect ? ",

" What marriage! Let me tell you something...", the person looked here and there before whispering,

" Sect leader lan had fallen in love with someone who grandmaster lan despise...that's why grandmaster is trying to hurry him marrying someone he likes!!",

" Really?? Ahhhh that's really pathetic! I feel bad for sect leader lan , he is such a sweet person. ",

" I know right! Grandmaster lan is so cruel , he was same during wei wuxian and lan wangji love story .",

" Yes ! He never changes , pathetic old man . But who is that someone whom grandmaster lan despise? I can't think of any other person then wei wuxian. ",

" That's what's the mystery is !! No one knows who that lucky person is to be loved by zewujun. But I am sure she would be as sweet, calm and beautiful as zewujun. ",

" I agree with you. Sigh...can't zewujun just ignore that old man as Hanguang-jun did?",

" That's the pain of being a sect leader. Poor soul...",

" Don't you all have anything better to do ? ", a person's aggressive tone could heard from their back . Seeing the person they both fall on the knees ,

" Ahh..sect leader...we are sorry Sect Leader we are extremely sor...",

" Leave !! ",

" Yes sect leader Jiang!!", said both together bowing and immediately running for their life. Jiang Cheng stood their clenching his fist , looking at the sky and slowly opening his fist ,

" Hah! It''s better this way..", his voice fumbles .


" What is your reason to reject such a great proposal ? ", lan qiren puts down his cup on the table.

" I just don't think I am good enough for this proposal. ", xichen slightly bows while sitting. Lan qiren looks at him from up to down before sighing,

" Do you really think 'you' are not good enough? Then tell me who you are good enough to? ",

" Uncle, you never questioned before when I told you to reject these kind of proposal, what happened this time ? ", xichen changes the question immediately which didn't get unnoticed by lan qiren,

" Changing the questions? And you ask what happened this time ? Do you see your self ? I don't want you to do anything stupid like going in seclusion! If you have a family to protect and care , you will think twice before doing anything. And it's also high time for gusu to have a heir . ", lan qiren said carcassing his beard.

" I'm not going to do anything like that uncle. I have a family, you , wangji, a-xian, Sizhui and Jingyi. Plus if it's about heir , I think you are forgetting Sizhui. He has every traits of being a Sect Leader. ", xichen simply stated .

" I am well-aware how good Sizhui is for a sect leader! But this doesn't mean you can't marry? Give me a proper reason to reject this proposal. ", lan qiren stared straight in xichen eyes as younger adverts his gaze ,

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