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Everyone was moving towards their assigned rooms. It was already dark even it was 5 in the evening, because the whole sky was covered with clouds, breeze were cold and calming. But there was someone whose calm was gone after the meeting. Jiang Cheng was pacing infront of Jingshi , thinking if he should go inside or not.

" Calm down! What you had decided? You want to talk to him, isn't? So what stopping you !! Just go!!"

" But what will you talk with him? What will you say? What if he isn't ready to hear? What if!!!!Aahhhhhh!!!

Jiang Cheng was fighting with his own thoughts, he was nervous but was scared more , what if he messes up again!! Thinking all this head was going to explode.

" Jiang Cheng?",

Jiang Cheng freezes on his place , slowly turns back , he saw an unfamiliar face , a face which belongs to his brother now. But he can still see that familiar smile on his face and can feel a familiar warmth near him. And of course how could he miss the walking ice block beside him.

" Just say , hi! No , I'm sorry Nope!! It will be to direct...umm, how are you? That sounds..." Jiang Cheng was mentally struggling when his thoughts get interrupted.

" What are you doing here?", asked wei wuxian with a confused face.

" It none of your business!", spat Jiang Cheng . Fuck!! he mentally grimaced . He was still not able to bring himself to talk with the person standing in front of him , nervousness was completely over taking him.

Wei wuxian smiles, how could he not, the person standing in his front was with whom he had spended his whole childhood. He was aware of his shidi's every behavior and expression , like now he can see the nervousness in his words. " Since, you are here , let's have a drink!!", offered Wei wuxian.

" In cloud recesses?", asked Jiang Cheng with a twist expression.

"Yep! It's still prohibited in cloud recesses but not in jingshi!", said wei wuxian grinning.

No!, said lan wangji for the first time in the whole conversation. Maybe his face is expressionless but one can tell how much wary his eyes were towards Jiang Cheng.

"Who are you showing that eyes!! I not at all interested in going to your so-called private room !!", thought Jiang Cheng but didn't spoke.

" Why lan zhan? ", asked wei wuxian pouting at him. Before wangji could speak Jiang Cheng spoke, "It's fine! Anyways I'm not here for drinks! I only came here for meeting".

" Is the meeting happening infront of our home?", said lan zhan coldly. " No it's not! I was just lost!!", said Jiang Cheng with a irritated face. " Even after visiting cloud recesses for so many times? You have a bad memory then!", said lan zhan still indifferent towards him.

" Lan zhan!", said wei wuxian slightly elbowing him. He continued, " Umm.. Jiang Cheng he didn't mean any bad. Would you like me to take you to your room? We can talk and drink in your room!!", suggested wei wuxian still smiling. " No thanks! I can go on my own!", said Jiang Cheng griping the hilt of Sandu. " Then, why aren't you going?", asked lan zhan .

Lan zhan!!, said wei wuxian putting his hand on wangji's shoulder to calm him down. " I have no interest in standing here! For your kind information. ", said Jiang Cheng walking past them. " When did this ice block learned to talk this much!!! I thought his silence is irritating but I was wrong his talking is worst then , his silence!! No I can't lose my mind!! I have to talk to him, we can atleast start with a small thanks , isn't?", thought Jiang Cheng. Wei wuxian was going to stop him, but Jiang Cheng himself halted and turns,

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