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Jiang Cheng couldn't digest the fact that there was a dragon in cloud recesses, which was mostly likely an myth to people nowadays,

" Yes , we are sure Jiang Cheng. It's a real qiulong, at first I also thought it's a joke or something but it's true . ", wei wuxian said sighing.

" But what is a qiulong doing here ? And what does it have to do with xichen? ", Jiang Cheng was flabbergasted .

" Can we talk about this somewhere quiet sect leader Jiang? ", lan qiren said looking at the disciples and crowd near them . Jiang Cheng nods ,

" Sizhui take Jingyi with you and take care of him , don't let him run here and there. ",

" Yes , sect leader ", Sizhui said walking towards Jingyi who tightly helds Jiang Cheng,

" No !!! I want to go with a-niang. Meet baba and fucking qiulong !", Jingyi said with determination .

" Mind your language! ", lan zhan said to Jingyi who sticks out his tongue towards him . Jiang Cheng kneels down to Jingyi's height,

" What did you promise? ",

Jingyi looked at other with puppy eyes and pouty lips , but seeing that other didn't even blink , he just walked towards Sizhui himself,

" I will not talk to a-niang!! I will complain to baba once he is back . ", he said and started pulled Sizhui away from crowed .

" And I will see whose side he take !? ", Jiang Cheng said in sarcasm.

Everyone was just enjoying the drama , even wei wuxian was surprised to see this side of Jiang cheng . Soon lan qiren, lan zhan , wei wuxian and Jiang Cheng were in lanshi , sitting on the cushion near the table ,

" Okay, now what's up with this qiulong and what xichen has to do with it ? ", Jiang Cheng said as soon he sat on the cushion. Lan qiren looked at lan zhan before speaking,

" As you know qiulong is a one horned white dragon, which controls weather . Living in river , lakes and underground, it can also control the surface of water causing tsunami and floods . This qiulong has been here before the establishment of gusu lan clan. The cold water spring you know now, was once a big cold water Lake and home of this qiulong but when gusu lan was establishing, the sect leader of that time , turned that lake into a waterfall and cold spring for the safety of gusu . He didn't knew that there was qiulong in the lake , the qiulong was so angry that it started destroying everything. There was a massive flood in gusu but the sect leader Jiang of that time , freezed the dragon and sect leader jin turned it into a white bead while sect leader nie activated a protection area around it . And everything was quiet for a long time but one day.....",

" Wait a minute!!!! Slow down old man ! How on the earth we are gonna digest everything!? And what the sect leader Jiang, Jin and nie were doing here ? Were all clan established till then? ", wei wuxian pinches the brigde of his nose . Jiang Cheng look at him in confusion,

" Wait you don't know all this too ? Why are you reacting like you have heard this for the first time? ",

" I am hearing this for the first time ! I became a part of lan recently only! I am originally a Jiang like you . ", wei wuxian said scratching his hair . Jiang Cheng nods before turning to lan qiren ,

" Sorry to say grandmaster but I have never heard of this incident before. Like if something like this includes a sect , atleast sect leader knows and this gets pass on to generation to generation. But I have never really heard of this . ",

" Because this was kept as a biggest secret between the four sects . Only lan sect leaders knew and passed this information with a scroll throughout the generations . ", lan qiren said sighing.

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