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Inside the Library pavilion,

Sizhui , Jingyi and other lan disciplines were writing their report on previous night hunt , while zewujun was sitting in their front supervising them as well as reading the scrolls and letters of other sect leaders. It's been two days since , he accompanied a certain sect leader in night hunt, he was slowly going back to his sect leader's life. But even though he was reading scrolls , his mind was revolving around the last conversation he had with his brother in law,

" Never use a person to forget a another person",

" Sizhui lead the disciplines to gusu.", wei wuxian said firmly. Disciplines looked at each other sensing the serious voice of wei wuxian, they decided not to say anything, they bowed and left.

" Brother I don't want to sound rude but, I will suggest you to stay away from Jiang Cheng. He already has gone through so much! I don't want him to get hurt anymore , and you too. You just came out of seclusion, I do understand you want a company, a friend but don't you think it too soon, means like you and Jiang Cheng barely talked with each other and out of nowhere you both became so close? I , myself will like it if you take him as a friend, which he really needs but, if you are taking him as a substitute for Jin Meng Yao and hurt him. Then , I'm sorry Sect Leader Lan, cause I myself don't know what I will do!", wei wuxian warned xichen, his usual cheerful smile was nowhere to be seen. A real yiling partriach aura surrounded him, but Wangji hold his hand to calm him down. Wei wuxian breath out as he felt Wangji's grip on his hand .

Xichen smiles sadly, " I understand your concern wei wuxian! But I'm not taking Sect Leader Jiang as a substitute for a-yao... I mean for Sect Leader Jin. I do want to be his friend but not because I want a company. But , that I admire him and wanna be like him, whereas with a-ya... Sect Leader Jin, I wanted to protect him...from the evil of world...the one who were looking down him..I wanted to protect him.."

" And now you want Jiang Cheng to protect you? From the so-called evils of world?", said Wei wuxian slightly losing his patience.

" I..I didn't mean that!", zewujun was not able to make Wei wuxian understand what he meant nor to his own self .

" What you mean then? SECT LEADER LAN! You fucking can't stop calling that bastard a-yao!! Wanted to protect him from evil? Huh what a joke! He was the biggest evil....

" Wei ying!",

Lan zhan cuts wei wuxian , griping his hand slightly, even though he himself hated Jiang Cheng and was partially agreeing with his partner,but he can't neglect his brother. He can't neglect the fact that after meeting Jiang Cheng his brother came out of seclusion. He can't neglect the laugh of his brother, which he yearned for..was the one he heard only because of that certain Sect Leader he hated!!.
And most importantly he couldn't neglect that , his love was litterly rubbing salt on his brother's wounds. He had announced in cloud recesses that no one will talk about Meng Yao, specially infront of xichen.

Being with lan zhan , wei wuxian was somewhat able to read his expressions too like xichen. He realised how emotionally charged he was right now, specially to someone who just came out of seclusion and had a unstable mental health. He could see how tightly xichen had gripped his robes, he was looking like a kid who was abandoned by his friends. He sighs, and calmed himself, politely with his soft expression, he spoke,

" Zewujun.. I'm sorry for charging on you like that! All I mean is don't hurt yourself as well as Jiang Cheng. Go ahead and try if you both can be friends, though he is difficult to reason with his sharp tongue, he is really good at heart. ", said Wei wuxian with a small smile.

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