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" Hah!!! How can he be so heavy ?", huffed Jiang Cheng as he carried xichen to his room. He placed him on the bed, removed his shoes, he was going to remove his outer robes too but he thought it wouldn't be right for a Sect leader to remove other sect leader's robes. He covers him in blanket and went back to his table to continue his drink. He chuckles ,

" He wanted to drink! Hahaha can't even handle a cup ! Hmph", laughed Jiang Cheng remembering how he panicked thinking something happened to xichen after drinking alcohol but turned out that he was sleeping.

" How can one sleep after a cup? He is really like a teenage child!!", said Jiang Cheng to himself all smiling and drinking.


Suddenly, there was a huge commotion outside the inn. Jiang Cheng focus was brought on the commotion too but he thought to neglect it and retire to his room for relaxation . Little did he knew that this night was not going to be relaxing
for him . A waiter came from outside seeing the commotion, a person asked him what happened there . He said,

" A drunkard had destroyed all melons of the shopkeeper! Also refuse to pay him!!".

" Huh? What a strange man ! Is he have some sort of mental issues?" , said another waiter. The waiter continues,

" I don't think so.... He looks quite decent! His white robes, forehead ribbon......... !!"

" Lan? When did lan's started behaving like this!! Why there are so many lan around me nowadays!!", thought Jiang Cheng. He was going to his room but realised that he had forgot his sword in xichen room. He slowly slides xichen's room door , making sure not to wake him up. Jiang Cheng frowns looking at the EMPTY room,

" Where did he go? ", said Jiang Cheng to himself as he picked sandu. Jiang Cheng heard a voice,

" Leave me alone!!!!!!",

" This voice sounds familiar!!", thought Jiang Cheng as he leaned towards the window trying to look at the commotion.

" FUCK!!!" , screamed Jiang Cheng as he ran out of the room. He pushed the crowd away to get in front, he saw a whole mess of melons , not a single was left in a single piece, one furious shopkeeper and a prominent clan's Sect Leader squatting near the shop hiding his face like a child receiving a punishment.

" Pay me for my melons you idiot!!!", screams the shopkeeper.

" Hah!! Bold of you to call him an idiot !! Do you really wanna die so bad!! ?", asked Jiang Cheng with his cold voice as he handed him his five gold stone . Shopkeeper looked at the gold pieces in his hand, even one gold coin would have been more than enough, but he got five! Jiang Cheng turns to the crowd,

" What!! Is there some sort of entertainment going over here!! Scram !!".

In a blink the crowd scattered away like it was never there. The shopkeeper too walked away from there taking the money. Jiang Cheng turns to the Sect leader who was now standing there looking at the ground.

" What the hell you are doing here? ", screams Jiang Cheng furiously. Jiang Cheng didn't knew why but he was feeling something odd looking at the xichen. His white clothes had patches of red, messed up because of melons but it was not only his appearance but also his expressions, he looked somewhat like an abandoned kid??

" I was catching him!! He called me here! But then I accidentally bumped into the stall! Why should I pay when it's his fault!!", said xichen pointing at Jiang Cheng's back. Jiang Cheng looked at the where xichen was pointing finger, it's....

" What the fuck you are saying? That's a damn firefly! And how the hell you came out of the room? I didn't saw you coming out of the door?", asked. Jiang Cheng furiously.

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