TOO LATE........

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" Hey, young miss....ahhh?", Jingyi didn't even realise when Jin ling ran past him , totally ignoring him.

" Ahh...this is bad! What did that perfect discipline did?", thought Jingyi and went to search for Sizhui . He heard light sobs coming from a room , he opened room- Sizhui was on his knees , crying, clenching his robes, looking a whole mess!.

" What happened Sizhui? Why are you like this? Stand up!!", Jingyi tried to pull Sizhui but ended up on the floor ,

" Ouch!! Fine if don't wanna stand! Why are you making me fall on ground too?", thought Jingyi but his concern for him didn't let him say that,

" Sizhui? What happened? Can't you tell me why you are crying?", asked Jingyi politely. Sizhui's tears kept rolling down , he clenched his robes like his life was dependent on it, he sobbed,

" I...I ..!!",

" So you are crying?", Jingyi asked in confusion. Sizhui nods, now Jingyi was shocked,

" Hey ! I know young mistress has a terrible temper , irritating nature, foul mouth , anyone who will be with him will be tortured to death don't have to cry for it!! Love can change anyone! We have seen hanguang-jun!! Young mistress will change don't cry!!!", Jingyi said cupping Sizhui's face wiping his tears with all seriousness. But Sizhui burst in tears , crying more badly , shaking Jingyi's hand away,

" I'm not crying be...cause I rea...lised I love Jin ling but because....that...I... realised it...too...late!!!", cried Sizhui.

" Ohh you should have made it clear! Isn't Jin ling too young for marriage? and when is he getting married? We can kidnap the bride or we can ask hanguang-jun for help !! After all your father is a chief cultivator, no one can go against him!! Or senior wei!! Yes The Yiling Partriach can litterly shake a clan with just his mere name!! Think what not will he do to make his son happy!?", said Jingyi excitedly, putting his hand on Sizhui's shoulder. While the other just stared at him with his teary eyes, without blinking, with a straight face. Jingyi withdraw his hand awkwardly realising that he must have said something rubbish again,

" Ahh... it's not like this also, I should have known! But in novels ' too late ' means that either one of them is getting married or I just came to that conclusion!! ", said Jingyi scratching his neck in embarassment.

" I don't even know why am I crying now? Because my heart is broken or I have a friend as intelligent as you!!", said Sizhui wiping his tears.

" Just say what kind of ' Too late ' are you talking about?", asked Jingyi trying to cover his rubbish words.

" I messed up...I hurted him..His feelings...he hates me now!! Obviously he should , anyone should!! I was so stupid to say something like that!!! I can't believe myself that I said that.....I deserve atleast 100 strikes from discipline whip!!", Sizhui again broke in tears.

" Then what you are doing here?", asked Jingyi narrowing eyes. Sizhui didn't get what he meant,

" I thought it will be something interesting but it was the same ' Too late' , hurting other!! And why are you sitting hear crying like you just became widow!! Shouldn't you run after him to catch him and clear your misunderstanding ? Tell him about your true feelings and apologize for your deeds!! Go run after him before it actually be 'TOO LATE' for it!!", said Jingyi patting Sizhui's shoulder. Sizhui nods wiping his tears , he ran out of the room .

" After giving him some braincells I feel like my hunger has grown more!! When will they bring me food?", said Jingyi to himself searching for servents. On his way he bumps into Jin nian,

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