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Wei wuxian was happily following Jiang Cheng humming and smiling. He  himself was not able to express his happiness of being back to his HOME , he could see how beautifully Jiang Cheng had maintained the pier , only if he hasn't spend his whole childhood here , he would not able to tell the differences , cause Jiang Cheng had tried his best to build pier same as before. All over the way disciples were welcoming him with smile and bow , he kinda miss this . Even though in gusu disciples bow to him but this smile and warmth was always missing, which he finally found.


Wei wuxian rubs his head as it bump with Jiang Cheng's back ,

“ Why did you stopped sudde-...”,

Wei wuxian's words were stuck in his throat as he see the room in front, his own room , standing there like it was  never removed from the place , he comes infront slowly pushing the door open , a sense of nostalgia hits him . The same decor , same bed with his drawings, his toys , his clothes, everything on it's place like someone was living in there . He turns to Jiang Cheng who was himself was drown in the nostalgia,

“ maintained it all way to today ?”, wei wuxian ask smiling softly.

“ I just wanted to keep everything in pier like before , it got nothing with your room .”, Jiang Cheng said turning towards the cupboard. Wei wuxian chuckles ,

“ You can't lie to me Jiang Cheng .”,

“ Whatever ! Take this ”, Jiang Cheng hold a bundle of purple clothing. Wei wuxian took it , his eyes widen when he realises it was his robes , he had still kept it for like two decade or something.

“ Wear it , I will be waiting outside. I want to take you somewhere .”, saying this Jiang Cheng leaves the room ,

“ Okay you are doing great! Just keep going!”, Jiang Cheng mentally pats himself. After few minutes wei wuxian came out looking all dilly willy, obviously the robes wouldn't fit him , his previous body was much longer and bigger than his current small and short body . Jiang Cheng hold his urge to laugh at person infront,

“ Don't you dare to laugh Jiang Cheng, I'm looking like this because you asked me to wear !!”,


“ Who told you to wear this ? There was one from your early teenage that would have fitted you . I couldn't find that's why I gave you the whole bundle. Does lan wangji ate you last cell of conscience?”, saying this Jiang Cheng started laughing, wei wuxian stick his tongue out and went back to  room to change .

After a couple of minutes wei wuxian came out again , this time the dress fits him perfectly ,his hair tied in red ribbon , chenqing on his waist and him being dressed in purple robes but something was still missing, Jiang Cheng fishes out a bell from inside of his robes and tied it with wei wuxian's robes ,

“ Completed , let's go!”,

“ Where are you taking me but ?”, wei wuxian said playing with bell, it's was same he used to wear . He couldn't believe Jiang Cheng had cherished his  every single thing.

“ Here! ”, Jiang Cheng stops to see wei wuxian reaction and it was really blank ,

“ Ann...Ancestral Hall ?”, Jiang Cheng nods and went inside. Wei wuxian looks at the door , he could still remember what happened last time when he went inside this hall .

“ Are you not coming inside ?”, he hears Jiang Cheng from inside . He took a deep breath before walking inside,

“ I'm here !”, he said before sitting on the cushion beside Jiang Cheng . Looking at the memorial tablets , wei wuxian's eyes get moist as he reads the tablets in mind ,

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