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Wangji was glaring at the letter in his hand , then he put it with other letters . Taking another letter his gaze got more cold. He put it aside with other letters, taking another.

“ What are you doing lan zhan? ”, asked wei wuxian eyeing jingshi . He put the emperor smile aside and sat beside lan zhan.

“ Checking letters before giving brother!”, said wangji , he gaze was soften just by one look of his husband.

“ Checking? Why?”, asked wei wuxian out of curiosity.

Wangji sighs and hand him the letter he was reading before. Wei wuxian took the letter, glancing at the pink colour he knew it was from Ning sect.  He opens the letter and read it aloud,

“ Welcome back, Sect Leader Lan. We were very sad when you announced your seclusion . But we are glad that you ended it. Our whole sect is really happy about it! Specially my sis..sister??? ”,

Wei wuxian didn't read anymore as he knew where this so called well wishing letter was leading to..

Cultivation world was overwhelmed with the news of zewujun leaving seclusion. Many sent their  well-wishes by letters and many came in person to meet him. There were two types of wishing , genuine wishes and wishes with purposes. Some were trying to seek favour through zewujun and some were the marriage proposals of ladies from all over the cultivation world.

“ Like seriously? He just came out of seclusion these people...hah! That's the reason why you were reading letters before giving to zewujun? ” , asked wei wuxian. Wangji hummed in response,

“ Wow!! So many proposals! As expected of the world most handsome man! He really deserve the first rank ”, said wei wuxian messing all the letters which lan zhan had nicely assembled.

“ Wei ying!”,

“ Hmm, lan zhan? ”, asked wei wuxian reading the letters.

“ Who is more handsome me or brother?”,

Wei wuxian looked at wangji in whole disbelief,

“ Lan zhan? You are jealous of your own brother?”, he asked.

“ Hmm . Answer ?”, wangji immediately admitted. Making wei wuxian chuckle,

“ Yes..yes..my lan er-ge is the most handsome!”, said wei wuxian kissing wangji's cheek. Wangji hummed and  lift his other cheek towards wei wuxian, making wei wuxian awe at his childish nature.

“Ahemm...hemm ”

A voice of clearing throat came from the door making wangxian to look at the door which was wide open revealing zewujun with Jingyi and Sizhui at the back.

“ Brother!”, said both standing from their place and greeting xichen. Xichen smiles,

“ Sorry for disturbing but shouldn't you close the door!”, suggested Jingyi  making face.

“ Ah... it's fine we all are family here . Though you all look like you are all ready for going somewhere. Where are you going?”, asked wei wuxian patting Sizhui's head.

“ Yes, wei wuxian, we are going to qinqhe for sect conference! We came to take wangji with us. ” said xichen smiling.

“ Nie sect?? Ahh I remembered...Zewujun you are really fine to go qinqhe ?”, asked wei wuxian in concern.

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