Bonus Chapter

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July 10th, 2059

Mateo Ementerio

10:41 a.m.

I sit down at the kitchen table, rubbing my eyes.

"Morning sunshine," Rufus says, in front of the stove making what smells like eggs. "How'd you sleep?"

"Like the dead," I says.

Rufus hands me a plate with two eggs and French toast, "That gets less funny every time."
I smile, "What are your plans today?"

"I was gonna go to arrival station 17 and help Olivia with her volunteer work there." He bites into his toast, "Helping new arrivals and shit."

I finish up my food and put my plate in the sink, "Tell her I said hi." I kiss him on his stubbly cheek. "And shave too."

He rolls his eyes and laughs, "Yes dear." He kiss me.

4:11 p.m.

I'm sitting on the couch with Socks. She curled up on my lap sleeping while I read. I'm almost fully spaced out when my phone chimes. I check it, thinking its Rufus, but reading the notification makes me freeze in place:

Lost Souls Foundation

New arrival: Lidia Vargas

Ever since the lost souls foundation expanded to an app to help souls find each other, I immediately signed up for notifications whenever a Lidia Vargas dies and arrives. Every time I see the notification, I get excited, then I feel guilty for being excited, then I feel disappointed when I see the photo and it isn't her.

I open my phone, and click the message and i jump off the couch so fast when I see the photo.

Its her.

She's here.

Socks glares at me from the floor for interrupting her nap.

I'm rushing out the door to the nearest arrival station, when I realize I don't know where she's arriving.

4:45 p.m.

I arrive at station 13, and wait in line at the front counter. I stare and watch the train arrive, drop off people, then zoom off only to re arrive seconds later with more people. I try not to pay too much attention to the people arriving. Whenever i see children walking around I always cry, I'll never know how Olivia can volunteer at these stations.

The line is taking forever but I'm almost to the front when my phone goes off again, this time from rufus calling me. "Yes Roof?"


I hang up before saying buy and run out of the station towards station 17. She's there. Why else would rufus call me?

5:07 p.m.

I make it to the station and find rufus. He kisses me then grabs my arm, "Follow me."

I follow him to a crowded part of the station where people are taking photos and yelling. I get through the crown and my heart sinks. "Can you believe she died? And she's here of all places.

I look over to see one of the kardashians next to a station worker helping her. I don't recognize who it is, and I don't care. I look at rufus who's excited so I mile and tell him its amazing. I tell him I'm going back to the apartment to make dinner and he stops me. "There's one more surprise hun,"

He walks me over to Olivia's station where i see her talking to another woman.


She turns, "Mateo?" She runs at me and hugs me, crying into my shoulder. I hug her back. "I missed you.

I feel myself crying, "I missed you too"

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