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Mateo Torrez

11:00 p.m

I make my way to the station, hoping rufus is still there. When I get inside it's not as crowded as it was when I got here, there's about a hundred, maybe two hundred people. I make my way over to this booth that kind of looks like a travel agency/customer service counter. The lady at the desk seems bored.

"Um hi?"

She looks back at me almost startled, "oh hello, welcome to the afterlife, how may I help you?"

"I died a couple hours ago," I pause, I died.those words are hard to swallow. "I want to find someone."

"Name please."

"Mateo Torrez."

"Sorry what was that?"

"Mateo, torrez." I repeat

"Sorry my shift just started," there's some typing on her keyboard, "there you are, seems you had quite the last day." She look back at the screen and then gasps, looking back at me solemnly, "I'm... so sorry about what happened to you, that's no way to go."

I look down at my feet, I feel embarrassed and kind of mad. Mainly at myself.

"Right, sorry. Anyway. Who are you looking for?"

"Rufus Emeterio"

She looks at me and smiles, then she turns her scream to me and I can't believe what i'm seeing.

It reads:

Lost Soul Notice

Mateo Torrez

Age: 18

Died: 8:45 p.m. September 5th 2017

Whos searching for Mateo: Rufus Emeterio.

If found please alert Mateo someone's looking for him for he may not know.

Thank you for your assistance.

-The Lost Soul Foundation

There's a photo of me next to the description. I look back at the desk lady


"What is this?"

"Well it seems the boy you're looking is looking for you too and had you filed as 'lost' so he could find you quicker."

I blush and look at my feet, he's looking for me, he wants to find me. He wants me.

The lady at the desk looks at me and smiles "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

There's so much i want to ask her, about the afterlife, but i just say "How can I find my mom?"

"Lets see here" she looks back at my profile and clicks a tab labeled family, looks back at me, and starts typing.

She hands me a map and marks a spot, "your mom works there," she points at the spot she marked.

"Yes, most souls enjoyed what they did in life and will continue to do it in death as a means to past time, because you have a lot of it"

"She's working in the middle of the night?"

"Like I said" she smiled "lots of time, some souls work all day to pass it by."

Its weird to think about it, when you're alive people always refer to time as how long you have left and when you die you're out of it, but in death you still have time. It's like an hourglass, once one end runs out of sand you flip it over and have time again.

"Thanks..." I muster a smile and stuff the map in my pocket before running back out into the world outside the station.

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