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Mateo Torrez

1:30 a.m.

I don't know what to do. I've been wandering around for awhile now but no sign of him. I checked Althea park and he wasn't there. Maybe I should make my way back to the station and ask that lady--I can't remember her name-- if he came back there looking for me.

Then I realize, he won't be able to find me if I keep moving, but I have to keep moving, it's the only way to find him.

1:42 a.m.

As I'm walking a huge, red, neon sign lights my path. I look up and the sign reads:

"Lost Souls Foundation."

Underneath the sign there's a poster on the window that reads:

"Death separate you and your loved ones? NOT A PROBLEM. We'll help you reconnect today!!! No strings attached!"

I decide to go inside because I remember that apparently I'm registered as missing.

Rufus. Rufus registered me as missing.

If he wants to find me, which I know he does, then I'll make it easy for him like I promised.

I walk up to the desk, there's a tall, grumpy looking man with bags under his eyes. Next to him is a woman who seems much more happy to be there at one in the morning. Behind them there's a bulletin board full of missing posters tacked to it. In Between the man--John, according to his name tag--and the woman--Alexis, again, according to the name tag--there's multiple phones.

"Excuse me?"

John sighs a long, annoyed sigh. "What is it kid, let me guess you came here a few days ago looking for someone and still can't find him so now you want us to waste more of our time putting out more notices?"

"No..." I want to walk out of there but I owe it to Rufus to stay.

"John hush up." Alexis says in a heavy southern accent, "Let the boy speak for Pete's sake." She look over at me with a warm smile, "What do you need hun? Did you lose someone?"

"No.." I pause and swallow "I am the missing someone."

Alexis looks at me with surprise, "oh." She looks back at John then at me. "How long have you been missing? Do you know?"

"I died yesterday around 8:40 p.m. My friend died later that day, I found out he's looking for me."

"Aw well that's sweet, isn't it John?" She looks over at him and he grubbles something foul under his breath. "What's your name hun?"

"Mateo Torrez."

She types my name on the keyboard and looks back at me smiling, "Seems this boy is looking for you, we can contact his place of residence and you'll be reunited soon, just sit tight and relax. John make your self useful and pull up the boys contact information for me."

John grumbles some more before looking over at his screen, "Whats the kids name, the one looking for Matthew over here."

Mathew. Even in death my name gets butchered.

"Rufus" Alexis say, "Rufus Emeterio."

John types the name and shows her the screen, "Which one?"

"Mateo which one is it?" She beckons me to come look at the screen.

One the screen is see an old white guy with grey hair and glasses, nope.

"Next one." I say.

John clicks the next button on the screen and it pops up a photo of this mid-twenties looking guy, much darker than rufus.

"Not that one either."

He clicks next and I feel my face heat up, on the screen i see Rufus, the correct Rufus.

"That one." I say in a near yelling tone.

"Thank you, it shouldn't be long now, just take a seat and you'll be reunited with your.... Cousin? Friend? Boyfriend?"

My face heats up. What is Rufus to me, I don't know how to answer her but before I even can John interjects.

"Dammit he ain't some homo Alexis, probably just his friend."

Guess there's still homophobia in the afterlife, at least you can't be killed for being gay down here.

Down here?

Up here?

Doesn't matter.

Alexis flips off John then grabs the phone and dials a number.

"Yes hello? Is this the Emeterio household? Mhm. Ok. My name is Alexis Keroix for Lost Souls, Is there a Rufus Emeterio there? Ok. Thank you. I have a Mateo Torrez here. Yes I'm aware. It appears your son put out a notice about Mateo being missing. Yes. Ok thank you ma'am I'll tell him. Thank you, you too."

My heart feels heavy and my chest is in knots.

Alexis looks over at me and smiles from ear to ear.

"It seems your friend--you can almost hear the air quotes--is resting at the moment, long day I suppose, but his mother said she'll tell him once he wakes up, you can stay here if you'd like, you wouldn't be the first one too."

"And if you leave then it'll be harder for him to find you." John interrupts.

I decide to stay. I owe it him. I owe it to me.

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