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Rufus Emeterio

8:53 a.m.

There sunlight shining through my window. I get out of bed without and look at the clock. I never wake up this early. I throw on some grey sweatpants and a white hoodie. I toss my fleece and other cloths from the day before under my bed because yo I died in those clothes, forgive me if I don't want to look at them.

I head downstairs to the kitchen where everyone's awake, Olivia's trying to convince mom to let her go somewhere, and dad's reading the paper. Its weird to have my family back. A good weird.

I get a glass of water and sit at the table.

Mom ignores Olivia and looks at me from across the table. She gives me this look, the mom look, the I-know-all-your-secrets-and-can-see-into-your-soul-look.

"So Rufus..." she hums.

I sink into me chair. I don't know what she's about to ask and I don't think I want to give her the answer.

"We got a phone call this morning, very early this morning" she trails on "From the Lost Souls Foundation"

I swallow, she knows.

"Ok..." I mutter

"About a boy. That apparently you put out a notice for. Trying to find him."

Fuck fuck fuck she definitely knows.

I stay silent.

"Dude she knows just come clean." Oliva says laughing.

"I plead the fifth, does the constitution apply here? Do I have rights?" I say

"Anyway," mom continues "Apparently he showed up there early this morning. What was his name? Mark? Manny?"

"Mateo.." I say under my breath.

"That's it, Mateo. You're looking for him?"


"Ooooooo Rufus has a boyfriend" Olivia yells from across the room.

"He isn't my boyfriend" I yell back.

"Then what is he rufus?"

"I don't know." I say, quietly.

"Well, only one way to find out," Mom chimes.

"What?" I say confused.

"What she means is go get your man!" Olivia says excitedly.


"Yes, Rufus. Go. Be happy" mom says, "And be safe."

My face feel hot and and I can barely think straight. I rush out the door, grabbing my wallet and key before anyone can stop me.

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