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Estrella Rosa-Torrez

11:40 p.m.

Death cast did not call Estrella because she is not dying today fore she died 18 years ago giving birth to her son, her son however did get the call, and died in a fire hours ago. He is now looking for her and is in the same office as her but she doesn't know it yet.

"Alright Janet thanks, i'll be there tomorrow," she says to her work friend. They're both laughing, enjoying themselves while they take a break from work. "Anyway as I was saying-" she says turning away from her desk.

She freezes mid sentence. It can't be.

She stands up ignoring Janet's ramblings about her recent move.

"Mateo?" she whispers under her breath, on the verge of tears.

"MATEO!" She yells.

Everyone in the office turns to look at her, even Mateo is taken back by his name being yelled.

She rushed past everyone in the office, pushing some people to the side. "MATEO!" She cries rushing towards him.

She grabs him in her arms and sobs louder, Mateo hugs her back.

"My son," she whispered softly "Dear god, you shouldn't be here." She sobs more into mateos shoulder. "Why are you here?" Mateo smiled weakly, he didn't want her to know but then she looked at him closer and saw half his face was lighter than the other. She caressed the buried side of his face. "Mateo...are these burns?... my god Mateo please no..."

Mateo began cryin.

"I'm so sorry, mom, I'm so sorry..."

"No no I'm sorry" she paused "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, I'm sorry I couldn't be there with you, I would see you grow up but I could never truly be there. I wanted so badly to hold you on the days you hurt the most Mateo."

Mateo started crying harder

"But it was worth it mateo, I lived my life and I wanted you to live yours so I traded my life for you and I wouldn't change a thing"

"Some life, dying at 18..."

"I know it's not fair mateo and I'm sorry it happened, but youre here now, you can have a second chance to live. You can grow up, get a job, get a pet, travel, find love if you couldn't find it when you were alive." She smiled softly, "did you, find someone to love you?"

Mateo can feel his face get hot, "I think so..."

"Oh mateo, i'm so sorry you had to leave her."

"I didn't, he's here too."

"Then go find him Mateo"

"I don't want to leave you though"

"I'll be here when you get back mateo, GO! Find him!" She smiles, "and I want to meet him too."

Meteo runs off to the elevator, leaving his mother but knowing she'll be waiting for him.

She'll always be waiting for him.

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