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(nsfw warning)

Rufus Emeterio

10:12 a.m.

I don't what it is but I feel so calm and relaxed. Maybe that's what being dead is like but I don't think so because I super stressed earlier, maybe it's Mateo. Just being around him is relaxing. He's chill and pure.

He didn't deserve to die. He's too good. Maybe I deserved to die, I mean look at me. An orphaned bastard who could be a real ass to people when I wanted to. I don't deserve Mateo. I'm not good like him.

"Rufus, I'm sorry"

"For what?"

"That I was afraid, that it took me so long to meet you."

"Don't be sorry, it doesn't matter how long it too, what matters is we did meet."

"Even if it was our end day..." He mutters.

"I'd hardly consider this an end." I grab his hand, "More like a new beginning."

"Yea." He paused then shoots up excitedly "I wanna play something, something different than last time and I want you to hear."

He walks over to his piano and sits down.

"You want me to feel special again this time?" I joke

"You're already special," he grins back.

He cracks his knuckles dramatically then begins to play. He starts singing.

"It's nine o'clock on a saturday..."

Piano man. Of course.

"He said: son can you play me a memory, I'm not really sure how it goes, but it's sad and it's sweet and I new it complete..."

I start swaying to the rhythm. I want to film him but I choose not to. I'd rather just be in the moment.

"Sing us a song you're the piano man, sing us a song a song tonight"

For the next five minutes he sings about John at the bar, and about being a movie star, and Paul the realist novelist, and Davey in the navy for life, and waitresses practicing politics, and loneliness, and a piano sounding like a carnival.

When it ends he looks at me, he's beaming. I clap which makes him smile more. I want to ask him what other songs he knows but before I can he jumps onto his bed and lies back. I do the same. He leans over and crawls into my lap like before.

"I think I figured out that ending...." He says softly

"What is it?"
"Two dues met, they fell in love, they died, and then got to live again."

"I like that ending, better than the first draft."

He laughs then kisses me. I kiss him back. He's still on my hap, his chest against mine. I cant feel his heartbeat, guess that's courtesy of being dead. I can feel his hand slip under my shirt against my back and shit, shit, shit, is this happening, is this for real?

Not that I'm complaining though.

I kiss him harder and hear him moan and yo I'd being lying if I said that didn't turn me on even more. I reach my hand under his shirt and pull it off him.

I pull away from the kiss and look at him. There he is, shirtless and in my lap. I look at his chest and damn if thats how big the healed version of the scars is then that mortician is going to have a panic attack trying to cover all of it up, then again he probably won't have a shirtless mateo in the casket.

Mateo looks at me innocently before I take my hoodie and top off and pull him back into another kiss. It's all going so quick and it's exciting. Did I just reach my hand into Mateos jeans? Yes. Yes I did. He moans a little louder as my hand grabs something stiff.

Then he stops me, he gets off my lap and onto his knees. Who knew mateo could be like this. He pull my jeans and boxers off and then before I know it Mateos face is in my lap. I run my fingers through his hair. After a few minutes he gets up, blushing. I smile at him.

He takes off his jeans and boxers and then we're both in his bed, and I'm on top of him. I kiss him, softer than before, more loving. I reach my hand along his legs, then his inner thigh, then lower. He gasps and looks at me. I slide two fingers in and start moving them. He moans my name and damn I didn't even think it was possible to be more turned on than I already was but here we are.

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