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Mateo Torrez

12:33 p.m.

Thats me.

Lying in a casket. Eyes closed in a white suit.

At this time yesterday I was alive and having a last, and first, adventure and now I'm lying in a casket in a funeral home waiting for tomorrow when I'll have a funeral no one will show up to because I wasted my life being afraid so in the end I only had four people close to me. Even better is that ones in a coma, one only a toddler who will forget me in a year, and the other died too, leaving only one person to truly grieve me at my funeral. Then tomorrow I'll be buried next to my mom and that'll be the end of it.

The end of all of it.

I'll be dead and six feet under with no one to grieve me until eventually they all forget about me.

I look at the scars on my bodies face and start crying. I reach up and trace the scars along my own face.

Stupid stupid stupid stupid, how could I have been so stupid.

I had a 24 hour lease on life and I got myself cut off at hour 20.

Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid.

So. Fucking. Stupid.

I sat around everyday too afraid to live and now it's all gone and thrown away. I didn't die in vain, I lived in vain. My life didn't matter, I never made anything of if.

My life never mattered, not to anyone.

"Hey you okay?" Rufus says patting my shoulder.

"Do you want the honest answer?"

"Relationships are built on honesty." He says with a smirk. "So? Are you okay?"

"No, I'm really not." I sit down on the floor with my legs against my chest and my arms around my legs with my face on my knees. Fighting back tears I say "How could I be? I was so afraid to live that I never did." Tears start rolling down my face, "I wasted so many years doing nothing, I was so scared of other people judging me that I was never myself. I was so scared that everything would go horribly wrong and look where that got me!" I rest my head on my knees.

"Hey, it's not your fault mateo, you being scared to live didn't cause your death. You were going to die one way or the other once you got that call."

"Yeah but it's not fair, I died before I ever lived. It was game over before I even started." I don't want to cry but I can't help it. It's not fair. "Doesn't it piss you off? That neither of us got to ever truly make something of ourselves before our time was cut short?"
"Of course it pisses me off Mateo but I also know it's not my fault, once we got those calls it was over no matter what we did to try to stop it, if a car didn't get me something else would've and if the fire didn't kill you maybe a car would have, but we'll never know because our death are our deaths. Doesn't matter what happened, it happened either way." His words make me feel a little bit better.

"Come on." he says standing, extending his hand out to me. I grab his forearm and he helps me up. "Let's get out of here."

"Just one last look... please? I want to say goodbye to myself"

"It's your body, have as many goodbyes as you want."

I look back at my body, it's weird to think that was me. I lean down and whisper "Thank you" into my ear.

"What'd you say?" Rufus questions

"It's a secret that will take to my grave." I look back and give him a smirk, he just laughs.

"That's dark Mateo." He looks down and my body, "Ya know for a corpse, you're still pretty cute." He looks up at me and laughs. "Lets go, we have a whole afterlife that's waiting for us"

"Lets go"

I grab his hand and I feel a weight lifted from my shoulder. As the world around us fades away he pulls me in for a kiss and all the pain I felt was gone.

Death might mean your heart stops beating but I doesn't mean you stop living. For me it's rebirth, like a phoenix rising from flames to live again(for me it's more literal flames but that's besides the point).

My death isn't a sad ending. It's a new happy beginning, a happy beginning where I have my mom and my boyfriend and a whole afterlife waiting for Rufus and Me to explore. Who knows, maybe I will be an architect, after all, there are buildings in the afterlife. For now I will do my best to live in the moment. I will make myself proud and not just live for everyone but live for myself.

Remember me.

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