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Mateo Torrez

9:20 a.m.

I'm standing in front of the desk talking to Alexis.

"So how're you feeling Mateo?"

"Exhausted a little nervous."

"Makes sense, but you get to see this Rufus kid again."


"Did you two meet over the Last Friend app?"

"How'd you guess?"

"Your profiles, you both died the same day so it was a safe bet."

I smile. John scoffs. Alexis flips him off.

I hear the door chime, Alexis smiles at who ever just entered. Curiosity got the best of me so I peaked over my shoulder and my heart drops.

It's Rufus

I can't think, is he holding flowers? Are they for me? I don't care. I rush over and hug him.

Feeling him hug me back feels amazing. I look up at him, crying a little. He pulls my face close to his and kisses me. All the weight I could feel on my shoulders and all the anxiety in my chest melts away as I kiss him back. I can feel Alexis' and John's eyes on me.

On us.

But I don't care, why would I? He found me. He found me on my last day, and found the me I always wanted to be, and now he's found me again and this time he won't lose me. At least I hope not.

We pull apart and I look at him.

"You found me."

"I said I would"

I hear Alexis whisper to a slightly grouchy John, "See, I knew it, boyfriend."

Rufus grabs my hand, "Come on let's get out of here."

"Yeah, im exhausted."

We both turn and thank John and Alexis,then leave.

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