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Mateo Torrez

12:09 p.m.

We're here. In front of the door to Lidia's apartment.

"Where are we?" Rufus asks.

I don't answer.

I open the door and step inside.

"Oh." Rufus say, realizing where we are.

I see Lidia sitting on the couch, penny sitting next to her. I get closer to Lidia, she looks like she's been crying. I want to hug her. I want to be there with her but I can't. I hate it. I hate it so much.

I look around the apartment. She put together the bookshelf we said that we'd build together.


Together's no longer an option, not for another 60-70 years. At least I hope. She should live a long life. She should be there for Penny.

I look around some more. There's lots of photos of me in different places. Me in my luigi hat. Me at graduation. Rufus and I, she must've got it from his Instagram.

I want to keep looking at photos but memory lane is too painful. All the time I was alive but not living, and now i'm gone and wasted all my time.

So much time. Wasted.

I walk over to Penny, she's sitting down eating snacks, completely unaware of what's happened. Completely unaware of where I am. Unaware of how she'll never see me again. But then again, will she even remember me? Probably not. That hurts more than someone grieving you.

Someone forgetting you.

I turn around and head outside her apartment, outside her building. It's too much.

I turn around, looking at the apartment, Rufus is still behind me.

"Anywhere else you want to go?" He asks, "Maybe see our dad?" There's no point in seeing him, he doesn't even know I'm gone, it's a nice thought, but I can't.

"No, not really." I look at my feet, look at the world around me, moving on without me, then back at Rufus, "Anywhere you want to go?

"Is it weird that I want to see where I ended up?"

"Probably some funeral home being embalmed and made pretty."

This gets a laugh out of him.

"You're right, it's been like fourteen hours"

"I'm definitely at one by now"

"You want to come with or what?"

"I don't really want to see you like that."

"Fair, why don't you go see yours, I'll see mine, and then we'll meet back here."


Rufus closes his eyes and then disappears. I do the same. I open my eyes and see the funeral home near the cemetery my moms buried at.

The cemetery I'll be buried at.

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