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Rufus Emeterio

12:20 p.m.


He looks back at me in surprise

"Thought we agreed we go see our bodies alone? Did you chicken out?" I laugh a little

"We did, I did."

He looks at me grimly.

"Wait... does that mean..."

I look back at the funeral home in front of us and he does too.

"We're both in the there." He mumbles under his breath, there's a certain weight to his words.

"Damn." I look back up at the home, then at Mateo, "Still wanna go in, man?"


We walk in to the building, well, not walk in and more walk through.

I'd say it would be hard to find your body with how big this place is but yo it's almost like my body is calling to me. Guiding me there. There's no other way to explain it. It's fuckin creepy.

"You feel that?" mateo asks "Like i'm being pulled that way." He points down the corridor.


We walk down the corridor and go into a room labelled 'keep out,' yeah right, like a dead person's gonna listen to some bullshit sign that's standing between him and his body.

The room is cold with a lot of open caskets. We walk around looking at the different contents and the people inside. It's cool knowing what happens after death. I wish I could just go in front of every church and shout the truth. No one would believe me but still.

There's one girl I can't help staring at, an older girl, mid-twenties. She has a dark blue dress on and has some of the coolest hair I've ever seen. Seriously this girl's got like pink, blue, green, and purple. I look down to check out her necklace and immediately see stitches all along her throat. Guess i know how she died.

I look at mateo and he's just staring into a casket. He looks like he's just seen a ghost. Yes I know the irony of that statement in this context.

I don't need to ask him what or who he's looking at. It's pretty damn obvious.

I want to walk over to him and hug him but he seems like he needs space.

I walk over to the other side of the room where I find an open casket with me inside, well, not me me, but still, me.

They put me in a grey suit which looks pretty good on me not gonna lie. My face is so still it's creepy. My arms are on my chest and my hands are holding a bouquet of blue and white flowers.

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