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September 5th, 2028

Mateo Torrez, soon to be Emeterio

12:30 p.m.

11 years ago to the day I met Rufus and he helped me live my life even though I had less than 24 hours of it left. From this day forward this day won't be known as September 5th, the day Rufus and Mateo died tragically, it'll be known as September 5th, the day Rufus and Mateo were married. The day Rufus chose me and I chose him.

I look at myself in the mirror, I stopped aging about two years ago. I look down at my suit. All white.

"Oh you look so handsome Mat, you look like your father on our wedding day." Mom says smiling up at me, her eyes are red and puffy, she's been crying. I want to cry too in all honesty. I remember when I got that call from death cast, I was so upset that I wouldn't get to live, that I wouldn't find love, but then I met Rufus.

"Thanks momma."

"How do you feel?"

"Nervous but excited"

She smiles, "That's good, you should be excited. You deserve to be happy my son." She starts tearing up, "I remember when you were born mijo, you were so pure and innocent. While you grew up you were always so kind and still are. I used to think to myself that the world itself made you so pure and kind that for you to be born I needed to remove someone who wasn't pure and innocent." She looks up at me with a grim smile.

"Don't say that momma." I said wiping away her tears. "You were good too. Maybe, to create something so pure and good the world needed to remove someone else who was also pure and good."

I hug her while she cries, "Oh Mateo, I'm so proud of the person you've become. So many people lose their light after death but you didn't, you stayed kind. Come on mijo, your fiancé is waiting for you." she hands me my bouquet and grabs my arm. We walk outside. 

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