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September 5, 2017

Rufus Emeterio

10:36 p.m.

I cross the road, I can see Althea in the distance. It'll only take a few minutes to get there but yo, I might not even have a few minutes. I step off the curb and I'm instantly filled with regret. I'm such a damn idiot, mateo was right when he said I needed to be careful. I see the headlights but it's too late. Everything happened so suddenly. The impact hurt but this hurt worse. I can feel my ribs are broken, they completely bulldozed me. I can hear the diver panicking and calling police, the voice sounds familiar almost, I look up at the sky and start crying. The music is still playing. The ground feels cold.

I feel cold.

I close my eyes and all the noise fades away.

I feel warm.

10:41 p.m.

So that's it huh? Didn't go out how I expected but I can't complain about it anymore.

I don't know where this train is taking me but I really hope that it's to my family. There not many people on here which I guess is a good thing but man I wish I had someone to talk to. There's a chick with really colorful hair who I kind of want to talk to but she seems too shooken up. There's a weird scar across her neck. I don't want to know what happened to her.

The train stops at this weird station, almost looks like Grand Central, but smaller. There's lots of people which is disturbing. I walk through the crowds of people and find some weird ass service station. The lady behind the desk is tall and glowing almost. She's asking people questions while at the same time looking up names on her computer. Weird, never thought the afterlife would have tech but whatever i'm not complaining. When the frenzy around her desk clears up I walk up to the desk.

"Hey, can you help me?"

She looks me up and down, not even phased by having a 17 year old kid at her desk. "Name please" she says in the most solemn way she can muster.

"Rufus Emeterio" I say, "i'm looking for my family."

She types on her keyboard and sucks her teeth, eyeing the screen. "Rufus, Rufus" she mutters. "here we go!" She says abruptly.

"Rufus Emeterio." She butchers my last name. "Cause of death: internal bleeding and blunt force caused by a car incident." She looks back at me, "Should've been more careful huh?" I say nothing.

"Anyhow, lets see here..." She keeps reading off the screen, "Foster parents: Francis and Jenn Lori. Friends: Aimee DuBois, Tagoe Hayes, Malcolm Anthony. Last Friend: Mateo Torrez." my heart sinks hearing his name, is he here too? I hope so, I promised to find him. She continues

"Seems he got here a few hours before you, shame, I'm sure you don't care though, you just want to find your family correct?"

"I want to find both but I want to find my family first."

"Thats cute. Well hun, I can tell you where your family settled down but I can't tell you where this Mathew is"

"Mateo, his name is Mateo"

"Right, well because he's fresh he's probably wandering around. I can certainly send out a notice about him to the Lost Souls Agency near by and they can let you know if they find him, but that all I can do."


She types something up on her keyboard, looks back and me, then continues typing. "Here, you'll need this" she hands me a map with an area circled, she looks back at me and smiles, "Your family is there, goodluck."

I walk away and rush through the crowds, when I leave the building I notice something mad creepy.

This place looks like a replica of the living world. Maybe they have all the countries too. Maybe I can still travel the world even if I'm dead.

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