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Rufus Emeterio

12:43 a.m.

Man This place is so weird. According to Olivia time passes in a similar way. If you died as an adult then your body(I'm using the term body loosely) stays the same except just looking a little more youthful, ya know, less grey hairs. If you died when you were elderly your body will look like it did when you were an adult so you look youthful and not wrinkly and old. And if you died when you were younger than 20, like me and Mateo, you'll keep aging up until when you're considered "your most youthful" (aka your mid twenties according to my folks)

On top of all this, I was right, this place is a near perfect mirror version of the the living world. Whatever city you died in is where the train takes you. So yo that means I can still travel the world. Even better it functions like the living world, any tech they have, we have. I can still use my instagram but the only difference is only dead people will be able to see what I post. Weird. But cool.

I should get some rest. I'll find matteo when I wake up. I will.

Mom tells me my room is upstairs waiting for me. I head upstairs, walk down the hall and there it is. I walk up to the door and open it to see its empty, besides a bed. I don't know what I expected. Olivia said that the room will fill itself however I want it to. All I have got to do is want it and it'll appear like some magical smart house.

Whatever I want huh? What I want is Mateo but I don't think it'll be that easy. Hopefully that desk chick put out a missing notice like she said she would.

I guess if I want Mateo I'll have to find him. I hope he'll make it easy on me. I hope he even wants to see me. No. Mateo's too pure to break a promise. I'll find him and then... I don't know. I guess we'll go from there.

I'm too tired to decorate the room. I flop down on the only piece of furniture in the room and close my eyes.

1:09 a.m.

I jolt awake from my nightmare, the same nightmare I had when I fell asleep at the hospital. That dream of a burnt Mateo blaming me for his death. I shake it off, Mateo wouldn't blame me for his death, I have to believe that. I wish he could know I stayed with him and how I honored his last wish of going to visit his dad.

I'll tell him once I find him.

I close my eyes and and try to remember the moments before I lost mateo. The moment we shared lying in bed together. I grab that memory and hold onto it.

I'll find you mateo.

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