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Rufus Emeterio

9:28 a.m.

We walk in silence for a bit, his hand in mine, until I break the silence.

"I went to see your dad."

Mateo pauses, then says back "I know."

"You know."


"How." I say really damn confused.

"Well...." He trails on, explaining how if you got back to the station you can ask to go back to the living world as a ghost or some shit, how he stayed by me up until that car hit me.

"Damn, you really stayed by me?"

He flushed "Yeah.."

Yo I almost forgot how pure Mateo was, my head's been so hazy after everything, maybe that car gave me brain damage that followed me down here.

Down here?

Up here?

Eh I don't care.

"Do you mind if we go back to my moms, I want to get out of these and get into something new." He says, gesturing to his clothes.

His mom.

He got to meet her.

We both got to be reunited with our family.

"Yea, let's go."

9:40 a.m.

We show up at a building, it looks similar to Mateos apartment building I picked him up from.

We go inside and get on the elevator because what's the worst that could happen, we're already dead.

We make our way to the apartment and go inside. I follow Mateo over to his room and when he opens the door he's surprised to see it's empty, so I explain to him how the rooms work. He gets excited and in a few seconds the room looks the way it did when I was there with Mateo. Books on the shelves, little figurines, a map that isn't ripped up, and the piano in the corner.

He pulls his shirt off facing away from me, his back is lighter than his normal skin tone, then I remember.

The fire that killed him.

People retain heal injuries they gained in life.

Those are his burn scars.

I fight back tears as I get flashbacks to the fire, waking up to smoke, running inside to get him, seeing him burned up, arguing with the paramedics, watching them bag up mateo.

No. they didn't bag up Mateo. That wasn't mateo that I pulled out of the apartment.

That was mateo's body.

Mateo already told me how he'd already been dead by the time I pulled him out.

It wasn't Mateo.

I keep staring at his back, I can't help but feel guilty that I couldn't save him.

I walk up to him and wrap my arms around him, he flinches in surprise. I rest my face on his shoulder and start crying.

He feels me crying

"I'm sorry Rufus, I'm sorry I left you."

"Don't apologize, I'm sorry I couldn't keep you alive any longer."

He smiles while I trace the scars that run from his back to his arm to half his face.

He tosses a green shirt on and throws the other shirt in the trash. He reaches for his belt and pulls his jeans off and puts on a new pair.

"Want something to drink?" He asks.


We walk to the kitchen but he stops at the door way. I see him being hesitant, I don't want to pressure him. "If you don't want to you don't have to."

"I'm ok." He says walking in, "But I'm never making tea again, let alone using that oven ever again"


He looks at me embarrassed.

"Mateo torrez please don't tell me that's what started the fire"

He looks at his feet and mumbles "I wanted to make us some tea before going to the hospital..."

"You died making tea?" I'm slightly annoyed. I was right, he died doing something nice that wasn't worth his life.


"Jesus christ."

"Hey don't judge me mister 'we'll look both ways like we've been taught our whole lives.'"

He's got me there, I did say that and I didn't follow it and look how that ended out.

I start laughing, I can't help it. "Yea yea whatever, we both died like idiots."

He grabs two glasses and fills them with water, handing one to me.

I walk over and kiss him, again.

"I love you, I love you, I love you, i love you" I say, mimicking what he said to me.

Mateo smiles and kisses me back.

Remember Me(They Both Die At The End Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now