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Mateo Torrez

11: 32 p.m.

I arrive at the building my mom works at. It's a tall brick building with a lot of floors. I walk inside and the lobby is really nice. I head over to the front desk.

"How can I help you?" the man says, his name tag says his name is David

"I'm looking for my mom."

"Last name?"


David looks at his screen, typing in the last name then looks back at me shocked. "My god..." he whispers, he looks bad at me like he's going to cry, "she's on the 6th floor, do you want a photo of her so you can find her?"

"Yes, please."

He prints out a photo and hands it to me.

"Good luck Mateo."

I head over the elevator and look back at him, he manages a sad smile, I click 5th floor and the door shuts. Those few seconds on the elevator felt like forever.

What if she doesn't want to see me? What if she resents me because i'm the reason she died? What if-

I stop myself. I can't keep letting fear control me, I let it control me all my life and look where that got me.

The door opens on the 5th floor. My feet feel stuck to the ground but I manage to get off. I look around at all the people and cubicles. Shes here, somewhere.

Remember Me(They Both Die At The End Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now