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May 16th, 2101

Mateo Ementerio

12:41 a.m.


I roll over, "Yes?" I'm very tired, but I'm also curious.

Rufus sighs, "Lidia was talking about moving on."



The silence is louder than anything i could explain, and it hangs in the air or our room. We both lay on our little island together in the dark, only a little light illuminating the corner.

Rufus breaks the silence. "I want to move on to." His voice is shaky, "I've seen everything I can, I've met incredible people, I even got to be reunited with my friends but like... aren't you bored Mateo? We've been dead over 100 years. I want a do-over. I want to try again, don't you? I mean, my parents moved on, so did yours. What do we have left here?"

I stare at him, and almost start crying. "I have you"

"Mat, i will always find you no matter who you are i will recognize your soul."

I wipe away my tears and kiss him. "Alright, lets do it."

4:07 p.m.

"Rufus and Mateo Ementerio?" a woman calls out to the small room of the grand building we're in.

Rufus grabs my hand as we walk forward. The woman smiles at us, "Are the two of you ready to rejoin the other side?"

"Yes," I say.

"And you understand you'll be reincarnated as new people?"

"Yes," Roof says.

"Alright and you've requested to both be reincarnated in New York City? Is that correct?"

We both nod.

"Alrighty then, well when you're ready you can walk into the room behind me. On behalf of everyone here in the afterlife bureaucracy, we are so happy to be losing you. Have fun."
Her smile is warm on my back as rufus and I walk hand in hand into the empty room behind her everything is white and incredibly bright.

Rufus laughs, "You think this is what people mean when they say a 'bright light?'"

I just laugh as a warm light overtakes us.

Everything feels so warm, like a hug.

September 5, 2118

Lucas Rivera

12:32 p.m.

Lucas is not dying today because he did not get a phone call from death cast, because death cast was shut down. Instead of dying, Lucas is taking a walk down to his favorite corner store to get himself some snacks. Lucas usually doesn't like going outside, but thanks to his therapist Dr. Anderson, his social anxiety has improved.

Lucas gets his snacks and a cold drink and starts walking back home when he sees a boy with a bloody nose sitting against a bike rack. Lucas walks up to him. "Are you ok?"

"Yo fuck off, I'm fine," the boy says. "Just got into a scrape with a jackass."

Lucas does not fuck off, instead he knees down next to him and pinches the boys nose and tilts his head up. The boy pushes him back into a small puddle. Lucas just smiles, "Applying pressure is fine, but u need to pinch and tilt your head up."

"What are you, a nurse or some shit. I don't want your help."

"You might not want it but it looks like you need it." Lucas reaches into his bag and hands him the small bag of chips. The boy takes them reluctantly.

"My dads a male nurse actually."


Lucas sits next to him and takes a chip from the bag, "I'm Lucas."

The boy looks at him with a slight smile, "Dominic."

Lucas helps Dominic up, "My building is a block away, my dad might have ice packs and bandages."

Dominic looks at him hesitantly.

"If you don't wanna come with that's your problem, but you need an ice pack." He laughs a bit, "The only dangerous thing about my building is the elevator, its broken. No serial killers. Promise." He holds his hand up then turns and walks away.

He hears foot steps follow behind him back to his building.

They both walk and talk and smile.

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