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Before I met Jules, I only had one other friend who I never grew apart from–Estrella Rodriguez.

I used to think she was my good luck charm, because I always got high with her, and the one time I didn't, I fucking overdosed and almost died.

Estrella moved to East Highland from the raw hood of Los Angeles during the middle of 6th grade, with her mom, dad, and two younger siblings.

But not too long after she moved here, her mom and her two siblings left and haven't came back since, so it's just her and her dad Hector.

Star and I met because she was in my first period P.E. class. Having P.E. first thing in the morning fucking sucked.

And we both shared that same opinion, which is why we became great friends. I introduced her to Lexi, and Lexi introduced her to her sister Cassie, who introduced her to her best friend Maddy, and so on.

I guess you could say I'm the reason why she has most of her friends, and why she's one of the most known girls at our school now.

That, and the fact that Nate Jacobs spread a rumor about her and her dad in freshman year.

He told everyone that Star's dad beat the shit out of Star's mom, and that that's why she took Star's two siblings and left back in middle school, then Nate proceeded to tell everyone that her dad was a drug dealer.

I never asked Star if it was true–the thing about her dad beating the shit out of her mom–because what kind of fucking friend or person would I be to ask that?

But the drug dealer part is true; I only found out because I tried introducing Star and my drug dealer Fezco to each other, and turned out they were already acquainted since Star's dad is Fez's supplier.

Or maybe more than acquainted? I didn't really know, but what I did know was that Fez liked Star. And he still does.

The way he looks at her while she talks, or even when she's doing nothing and just looking around the liquor store while Ashtray gets our shit ready for us, says something.

I'm not a love expert or anything–but I just know he's like, in love with her.

I've grown to learn that Fez is a very closed off person–but not with Star.

There's been times where she'll bring up something completely random about him that I didn't know and I'm just sitting there like ' how the fuck do you even know that? ' .

Fezco's always been really open with her. Star knew about all the bad things he's done, and she didn't judge him or see him any different.

I think that's part of the reason why he's so in love with her. Because despite all she knew about him, she still loved him.

Whether Star or Fezco knew it or not.

"Hey bitches," Estrella spoke as she walked into the liquor store, greeting Fezco and Ashtray.

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