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"Good morningggg," I greeted Fezco and Ashtray as I got into the passenger seat of Fezco's car.

( a/n right hand side is omniscient )

Ashtray in the back seat watched her lean over and give Fezco a hug like she always does when he picks her up.

But what caught him off guard was Fezco hugging her back. Fezco didn't hug anybody, not even him.

"G'morning ma," Fezco said back as he wrapped his arm around me, then placed a kiss onto my temple.

I laughed a little, like I always did with him, then sat back right in my seat, watching as he didn't even hide himself checking me out, which gave me butterflies.

Fezco looked her up and down as she sat right in her seat, noticing she was wearing one of the outfits she put together last night over Facetime.

He looked up into her eyes and was about to tell her she looked good when Ashtray spoke before he could, per usual.

"So this is a thing now?" Ashtray asked, making me glance back at him.

"What?" I asked.

"You and Fez," He clarified and looked between us two. "You're a thing now?"

I raised an eyebrow and glanced at Fezco, understanding what Ash meant but hesitating to answer because I didn't even know the answer.

Are we a thing?

We aren't in an official relationship, he hadn't asked me or even told me he likes me if he even does, and I wasn't doing neither of those things first. But we're not just friends either.

Butttt he took me on a date...and asked me on another just yesterday...and we've kissed multiple times...man I had sex with this fool too.

We're definitely a thing...but I wonder if he thinks that?

Fez glanced at Estrella as she thought about it, thinking about the same exact things himself.

He planned on telling her he liked her soon, and thought maybe it would take them further into their thing. So he didn't want to say no and have her thinking he didn't want anything more than what they already had.

"Yeah," Fez answered Ashtray's question, snapping me out of my thoughts to look at him.


Fezco glanced at Ashtray in the rear view mirror who went from looking at him to looking at the girl next to him.

And Estrella went from looking at Fez to looking at Ashtray, making eye contact with him, then quickly looked away so he wouldn't see that she was blushing due to what his brother had said.

Ashtray looked back at Fez and made eye contact through the rear view, smirking a little.

He knew that they both didn't really know what they were exactly and was only asking to fuck with them, and hopefully push one of them to tell the other how they felt.

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