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"Miss Rodriguez you're late," The history teacher spoke as Estrella walked into her 4th period history class about 10 minutes late.

Estrella didn't say anything in response and just sat down at her desk next to Kat's, praying that her eyes weren't red from the amount of hits she just took from BB's wax pen in the bathroom.

"We're taking notes," The teacher let Estrella know and motioned to the slideshow being presented on the board.

Estrella opened her backpack and grabbed her notebook as she glanced at Kat, "Hey Kit Kat."

"Hey," Kat replied while she texted Jules on her phone, who was asking if the girl in the video going around the school was her.

Estrella heard from Maddy that it wasn't her, and although she didn't really believe it, she didn't feel like pressing the issue and just let it be.

"Phones on silent please," The teacher said loudly after Estrella's phone dinged on her desk.

She picked it up and smiled once reading Fez <3 off her screen, then tapped on the text message he had send her.

Estrella and Fezco had been texting each other a lot more than usual since their date, which was the last time they had seen each other.

Fezco missed her, he was so used to seeing her almost every day during the summer that he felt off going just a few days only texting her. And it was the same way on Estrella's end.

So they were both excited and looking forward to 3:00 pm, the time the final bell rang at school to let the students out for the weekend, because Fezco was picking Estrella up so they could hang out at his house for a bit.

"Katherine Hernandez, please report to the principal's office. Katherine Hernandez to the principal's office," The loudspeakers throughout the school spoke.

"Fuck," Kat mumbled under her breath, causing Estrella to look up at her from her phone.

"You good?" Estrella asked her as she gathered her things. "What'd you do?"

"I didn't do anything," Kat answered all fast as she got up and walked out of the classroom.

A little concerned but not enough to really care, Estrella put her earphones in her ears and went back to looking down at her phone, clicking on the video that Fez sent her of him eating Krispy Kreme donuts.

She smiled to herself as she watched him talking to his phone and holding a donut in his hand, wishing it were the end of the school day already so she could see him.

4th period passed by relatively fast since Estrella was on her phone for basically the whole period. That, and she was too high off BB's wax pen that she couldn't keep track of the time.

After 4th period, it was lunchtime, and also the first pep rally of the year for the football team.

Since Estrella was no longer on the cheer team and wouldn't have to perform during the pep rally, she sat at a lunch table with Kat, eating a bag of blue and red sour gummy worms that BB gave her.

𝐒𝐔𝐁𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄  @FEZCOWhere stories live. Discover now