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"Do you believe in ghosts?"

Fezco looked over at Estrella, who was hogging the second blunt they smoked together that night while they hotboxed his car after eating street tacos, as he sipped on the large horchata they had been sharing.

They were just about to finish up the date that she took him on and go home when Fezco decided to add onto it and pull out a bag of weed and some Backwoods.

"I ain't ever seen or heard one but I'd like to believe that they exist," Fezco answered one of Estrella's many random questions from that night. "You?"

"Fuck yes. My dad used to tell me scary stories of shit he's seen and experienced," Estrella remembered. "That shit's crazy."

"My grandma used to say the house she grew up in was haunted and shit," Fezco mumbled. "I ain't ever experienced nun though. Have you?"

Estrella shook her head, "No, thank fucking god, I'd probably have a heart attack."

Fezco laughed and handed back the blunt, taking another sip of their horchata.

"Do you believe in witches?" Estrella asked next.


Estrella raised an eyebrow, "You don't believe in witches?"

Fezco raised an eyebrow back, "You gon give me a reason to?"

She laughed, nodding her head as she placed the blunt between her lips and took a quick hit before handing it back.

"My grandma's a witch."

"Word?" Fezco asked. "So like, she be ridin round onna broom, wearing a pointy hat and making potions and shit?"

Estrella laughed and smacked his arm, "Noo don't be stereotypical, she'd hex your ass if she heard you. But yeah, she's a witch. Do you bel–"

"Nah, it's my turn," Fezco interrupted her. "Do you believe in love at first sight?"

Estrella blushed at the question for some reason, making Fezco smirk as he blew smoke out of his mouth.

"Cause I do," He let her know, running his free hand on her leg, which was rested across his lap. "Thas what it was wit you."

"Really?" Estrella raised an eyebrow and laughed.

"Yeah, really," Fezco nodded.

"So you've loved me since we met like, 7 years ago?" Estrella squinted her eyes at him.

"Yup," Fezco nodded again and made eye contact with his wife.

"Hmmm I don't believe you," She laughed and snatched the blunt from him, making him kiss his teeth.

"Why not?" He asked.

"You always say shit like that, but if you did like me for that long then how come you never made a move?" Estrella quizzed before taking a hit.

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