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"Why you left me sleeping by myself?" Fezco spoke into Estrella's ear, hugging her from behind as she made breakfast in the kitchen.

She smiled once feeling his arms around her and glanced up behind her at him, being met with a smile and a kiss.

"Good morning," She said after pulling away. "You took a shower?"

She felt up on his slightly wet beard before letting her hand fall onto his shirtless shoulder as he took a sip from her iced coffee.

"Yeah, by myself too," Fezco nodded, making her laugh while he put on the polo shirt he had tucked into his back pocket.

Estrella lovingly fixed the collar on his shirt and gave him another kiss before going back to cooking before she burnt everything.

"Ima go make sure Ash up," Fezco said and slapped his girlfriend's ass before walking to Ash's room.

"Fez!" Estrella kissed her teeth and placed her hand on the stinging sensation while Fezco laughed.

"You liked that shit last night," He smirked. "Morning Faye," He said to the girl walking into the living room from the bathroom.

"Heyy," She slurred back and dropped herself on the couch.

Estrella flipped the mini pancakes she made on the pan, still feeling the sting Fezco's hand left and shaking her head at herself while she smiled because she lowkey liked it.

"Faye you want pancakes?" Estrella asked as Fezco walked back into the kitchen.


Estrella glanced up at Fez as he reappeared behind her, "You want pancakes?"

"Shitt I got all my cake right here," He smirked and rubbed the spot on her ass that he slapped.

Estrella playfully rolled her eyes at him before pushing him away, making him laugh and sit up on the counter beside the stove.

"So was that a yes?" Estrella asked and glanced up at him again. "Or you want something else for breakfast?"

"You," He said and smiled. "Nah just playin ma, I'll take some pancakes. Yours is the best."

"Better than iHop?"

"Hell yeah," Fezco nodded.

"Yeah cause mine are made with love," Estrella smiled up at him, melting his heart.

"Do you need help Princess?" Faye asked Estrella as she walked into the kitchen.

"I'm good, but can you get the syrup?"

"Sure," Faye nodded and opened the fridge, kneeling down in front of it to look for the syrup as someone began knocking on the front door.

"Yo Ash, who the fuck is knocking on the door at fuckin 7 a.m.?" Fezco asked.

Ashtray didn't respond as he let Rue into the house, regretting it instantly when she pushed passed him with a simple:

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