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After he found out that he and Estrella shared mutual feelings for each other, Fezco gained a lot of confidence with her.

He was usually a laid back person who kept to himself, so he had been stepping out of his comfort zone when he flirted with Estrella prior to becoming a couple.

He was hesitant at first because he wasn't sure if she felt the same way about him that he did about her. All they had done was have sex, but that easily could have been a one night stand like he was used to.

He hoped and prayed to god, or whatever higher power was up there that it wouldn't be just a one night stand.

And his prayers were granted. Something connected Fezco and Estrella together the night they hooked up. And I'm not talking physically.

Maybe it was because it had been her first time, and it had been Fezco's first time doing the deed with a girl that he actually had feelings for.

Whatever it was created a more intimate connection than they already had. It was definitely more than just a one night stand.

And since Fezco had all his thoughts and feelings about and for Estrella bottled up for so long, he couldn't stop himself from letting them out once they were together.

"If I was a pornstar, would you watch my videos?" Estrella asked Fez, who was staring at her as she organized the stiiizy pods behind the counter at the store in rainbow order.

"Nah, I'd be the one fucking you in them," He answered and leaned on the counter.

Estrella laughed at his response and continued on with organizing the pods.

It had been a few weeks since Estrella had Fezco over to meet her dad, and they'd been doing really good ever since.

They were always really good, but now they were better.

They'd obviously become a lot more comfortable than they already were with each other. Fezco was starting to let his guard down a lot more with her, and was starting to let his soft side come out when it was just the two of them.

And Ashtray was more disgusted with them than ever. He couldn't stand listening to them flirt, but he liked having Estrella around, as much as he acted like he didn't.

"Why you laughin, I'm for real," Fezco told Estrella and laughed as he pulled her closer to him.

"I know you are, that's why it's funny," She said and leaned into his body as he put his arm around her.

Ashtray watched them from the cooler and rolled his eyes before going back to doing the homework Estrella was making him do.

She and Fez both cared about his education but there was only so much Fez could do to encourage the kid not to follow his footsteps. He wanted his little brother to at least graduate high school.

And Estrella knew that he kinda struggled with getting Ashtray to do anything school related other than actually going to school for most of the week, so she told him that if he did his homework she would let him have the PSP she grew up playing with.

𝐒𝐔𝐁𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄  @FEZCOWhere stories live. Discover now