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"How come you changed?" Hector asked Estrella as she walked out of her room, rid of her orange sweats and shoes.

"I wasn't feeling my old clothes," She shrugged as she sat down at the table, where Hector had placed a plate of tamales for her that he bought off some lady down the street.

Hector nodded and continued counting through his money, setting 500 aside for Fezco from each band to accumulate the amount he needed.

"You good and shit?" Hector asked and lowered the volume of the song he had playing while he counted. Some Ice Cube song.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well I mean, you had to go through another raid," Hector brought up with concern while she unwrapped a tamale. "Just wanna make sure you're good after the last."

Estrella nodded, "I'm good."

"Good," Hector nodded back. "I know Fezco got you, huh? And how's shit been with him? You two good?"

"Yup," Estrella smiled at him. "We're good. And thank you for fronting him."

"It's nothin Estrellita," He smiled back. "Not letting him fall into a bad place with bad people. I know you care about him and his hermanito, guess I care about them too."

Estrella continued smiling, watching her dad count his money.

She loved that her dad loved her boyfriend. It made her feel comfortable, and not afraid to tell him anything about their relationship.

She didn't have her mom to talk to about Fezco, so she talked to her dad instead. She would tell him about dates he would take her on, and tell him about some cute shit he said that had her blushing.

And Hector liked to hear about it. He liked that Estrella felt like she could talk to him about her boyfriend. He liked to hear about why she was so happy.

"Don't laugh at me, but I think I'm in love with Fezco," Estrella told Hector as she ate.

Hector laughed a little despite what Estrella told him, making her scoff.

"I just said not to laugh."

"I know, but I ain't laughing at you. I'm laughing cause I'm happy for you princess. Being in love is dope," Hector nodded. "And I really fuck with that fool."

"Yeah?" Estrella asked with her mouth full, already knowing that Hector liked Fezco.

"Fuck yeah. He better be the last motherfucker you ever introduce me to."

Estrella laughed, "Don't worry, he definitely is."

"Good cause ion wanna have to front any other fool 5 bands," Hector laughed and dropped another $500 on his stack for Fezco. "You should invite him to Thanksgiving and shit. It's gonna be just you and me this year, would be nice to have him and Ashtray join in."

Estrella nodded, "What are we making?"

"You wanna make posole or you wanna be white washed and make a turkey?" Hector asked her.

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