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After my whole intervention thing, I realized that I kinda fucked all my relationships with everyone in one night...

I think what made me feel extremely bad was what happened with my mom and Gia, and Star and Fez.

And also with what I said to Ali that one time.

Star and Fez hadn't talked to me since that night, and I don't blame them. I wouldn't talk to me either. I said and did some pretty fucked up shit.

I'm a bad person. And I'm sure most people would say the world would be a better place without me.

I don't disagree.

But I wonder if Star and Fez don't disagree either.

Two of the people who've always been there for me. And I said a bunch of shit to Star and pushed her into a door, and tried to steal from Fez and his grandma.

I haven't apologized. I know I have to, I have to apologize to a lot of fucking people.

But I think I'm gonna put Star and Fez, for now. The last thing they need is my messy self around again.

Because it's Fez's favorite day of the year.

Star's birthday.

"Happy fuckin birthday."

Estrella laughed, trying to get Fezco to stop with giving her what felt like endless kisses all over her face, his chains dangling over her chest and clinking with hers as he did so.

Fezco once told her that he loved waking up to her kisses. And now she understood why. It felt nice being kissed awake.

"Why you runnin? I'm jus tryna love you," He smiled at her laughter, trapping her under him in his arms.

Estrella's laughter died down as did his kisses, leaving them both to just stare at one another and smile.

"Happy birthday, ma," Fezco said again as she ran a hand up his arm and onto his bare shoulders, then wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Thank you," Estrella smiled up at him before pulling him lower, closer to her to give him a kiss.

Fezco gave her lips a few kisses before giving her a real kiss, but before they could get too into it, Ashtray barged into their room and interrupted.

Like he always did.

"Happy b–oh my god, it's 7 in the morning! Why are you already fucking!?" Ashtray exclaimed and quickly turned around with his eyes closed, gripping the plate of McDonald's breakfast he escaped to buy earlier.

He couldn't cook for shit, but Estrella always made him breakfast and he wanted to return the favor.

And Ashtray decided that straight up handing her a McDonald's bag was wack, so he set it all up nicely on a plate.

𝐒𝐔𝐁𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄  @FEZCOWhere stories live. Discover now