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The rest of the school week was tense after the whole Maddy and Nate situation.

Nate Jacobs was suspended from school until the investigation is complete, and nobody knew how long that would take. Along with his suspension, he was kicked off the football team.

The school put on an assembly to spread awareness on abuse and all the different types, then proceeded to have teachers play videos on awareness during class all week long.

Estrella's week seemed to pass by relatively quick, which was both a good and a bad thing.

The good was that the week was finally fucking over. The bad was that tomorrow was Saturday, which meant that Fezco was going over to her house so Hector could meet him, as Estrella's boyfriend and not his business partner.

It wasn't a bad bad thing, Estrella was just nervous as fuck. She couldn't stop thinking about what could go wrong all week. Fezco, on the other hand, was excited.

He didn't really know why he felt excited as Saturday approached, but he just was.

And Estrella didn't wanna burst his bubble or put any worry on him so she just kept her thoughts to herself.

Which sucked because she couldn't tell anyone else. She and Maddy hadn't spoke since their altercation on Monday in the bathroom, and none of her other friends knew everything that Maddy knew, so she'd have to explain a lot.

And since it was Friday and she wanted to clear her head, and Rue invited her to go roller skating, she was currently up at the local roller rink with Rue, Jules, and Lexi.

And she knew that Rue and Jules were kinda a thing, so she wasn't about to let Lexi awkwardly third wheel them.

"I completely forgot that you can't fucking skate," Rue told Estrella as she held her hand to guide her around the rink.

"Same, I didn't remember til I stood up on the skates," Estrella laughed, making Rue laugh.

"Come onnn it's not hard!" Jules said to Estrella as she and Lexi skated passed her and Rue.

Rue and Estrella had come to the rink together many times, a few alone and a few with Lexi.

And with all those times, Estrella still couldn't skate. She had no balance on the skates, or at all, which is why she was never the flyer on the cheer team.

"Let's speed up a little, Star," Rue said and sped up, pulling Estrella along with her.

They sped up and eventually caught up with Jules and Lexi, matching their pace. Estrella stumbled a few times, but she didn't fall which was good.

"Hey so like, what's been up with you and Fez, hm?" Rue asked Estrella after Jules and Lexi stopped to take a break.

Estrella looked at Rue to find her smirking, causing her to laugh.

"Why do you ask?" Estrella questioned.

"I mean, when I texted you last Saturday, you texted back on Sunday morning telling me you didn't see my text cause you were with Fez, and I saw him pick you up from school on Monday, Tuesday, and yesterday, and also drop you off at school yesterday and this morning," Rue listed off.

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