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"Okay no, yeah, he's actually asleep this time," Estrella confirmed to Fezco after lifting Ashtray's eyelids.

He didn't laugh or react, which meant he had actually fallen asleep on their way home.

Ashtray drove just two blocks away from the New Year's party before he and Fezco switched spots, and then they stopped at McDonald's for a quick late dinner.

And Ashtray fell asleep right after, for real unlike the last time he fell asleep on the way home.

Fezco laughed and picked the kid up in his arms, allowing Estrella to close the door and then walk to the front door, opening it for Fez to walk through, then did the same with Ashtray's room's door.

Fezco stretched a little after placing him down in his bed, his white tee hiking up his torso a little which gave Estrella the same butterflies she felt when he took his sweater off to beat Nate's shit in at the party a little over an hour ago.

Estrella looked away before he noticed her staring and took Ashtray's shoes off, then pulled his blanket over him and placed the blue llama she gave him in his arms.

Fezco slightly smiled as he watched his girlfriend tuck his little brother in, then she gave him a forehead kiss and glanced up at him.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothin," He shook his head with a smile and placed his hand on her lower back, leading her out of the room.

They walked into their room, Estrella immediately changing out of her clothes and throwing on whatever graphic tee of Fezco's she could find.

"Does your hand hurt?" She asked Fezco out of curiosity. "Cause you went at it for a good while. And it wasn't no soft punches either."

Fezco slightly nodded, "Yeah, a lil. Got a cut on it from the glass."

"Come with me so I can clean it before you get an infection."

Estrella grabbed his other hand and pulled him to the bathroom with her, having him sit down on the closed toilet seat before grabbing the alcohol from the mirror cabinet.

"Hell the fuck no," Fezco mumbled, dreading the burn.

"You didn't even clean off all the blood Fezco, oh my god," Estrella noticed after gently grabbing his hand.

"All I had was fucking McDonald's napkins," He laughed a little as she washed his hand in the sink, then went onto clean it up. "Thank you."

"Yeah I don't want you to catch anything, you know you can get like, HIV or some shit if your blood touches someone else's blood?" Estrella informed.

"No, not–I mean, thank you for this too, but..." Fezco trailed off as he watched her put a bandage over his cut. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For literally everything that fuckin happened tonight. And the night of the dance, and everything else that's happened to you since you started dating me," Fez mumbled. "Shit, I'm sorry I even asked you out, cause then you woulda never been dragged into all this fucked up bullshit. Nd I'm sorry I can't be the guy you fucking deserve."

𝐒𝐔𝐁𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄  @FEZCOWhere stories live. Discover now