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Estrella woke up late on Monday morning, completely forgetting that school started last week and that she even went to school.

Her dad left the house early in the morning to go to LA to meet with his parole officer, so he couldn't wake Estrella up like he usually did by blasting 90's rap music on his speakers.

The only reason she woke up was because Maddy had called her to ask why she wasn't at school.

She got up all quick and hopped in the shower, then realized that she was already late and it didn't really matter if she took her time getting ready.

So she did. But she pushed it when she spent 15 minutes texting back and forth with Fezco while she baked her face, which was a little too long for baking, but oh well.

Fezco was laying on the sofa in his living room when Estrella sent a good morning text back about an hour late, wondering what took her so long, but not wanting to ask.

"Shit," Estrella mumbled once she realized she spent 15 minutes baking, then put her phone and dusted the remaining powder off her face.

She grabbed the first pair of lashes she saw and glanced down at her phone as a few new texts from Fez came in.

She didn't wanna lag on him again so she just tapped on his contact name and tapped the Facetime button.

Fezco furrowed his eyebrows once seeing himself on his phone screen due to Estrella Facetiming him, but sat up and accepted the call.

"Yo," He spoke once the call was connected, staring at his screen, which was focused on Estrella's ceiling. "You not at school?"

"No I woke up late," Estrella laughed and positioned her phone up against the mirror on her desk so Fez could see her.

"Damn school just started and you already skipping days," Fez shook his head and laughed.

"Shut up," She laughed and began to apply the first eyelash. "I'm gonna go right now, I Facetimed you cause I'm getting ready."

"Ahhhh I see," Fez nodded. "Is your dad taking you?"

"Nah he's in LA right now, ima walk," Estrella answered as she fixed the eyelash on her eye.

"Word? I can take you," Fez offered and sat up from laying down, wanting to take advantage of this opportunity to see her.

"Oh no it's fine, I can walk," Estrella said, not wanting him to go out of his way for her.

"Nah it's cool, I can take you. Ion got nun better to do," Fez told her. "Not opening the store til 12 today."

Estrella glanced down at Fez from looking at herself in her mirror and smiled a little. He's cute.

"Okay then," She agreed and grabbed her other eyelash.

Fez smiled, "Aight, ima leave right now then," He told her and got up off his couch.

"Be safe," Estrella said as she glanced at her screen for a split second.

"Yeah I will, I'll see you," Fez threw up a peace sign and hung up the Facetime, leaving Estrella smiling to herself over him.

𝐒𝐔𝐁𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄  @FEZCOWhere stories live. Discover now