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As the week passed, Elliot got the hint that he bugged Estrella and stopped, which made it possible for her to be able to actually tolerate him.

Jules noticed them walking in the halls together on the way to 1st period and would ask Estrella if she thought there was anything going on with Elliot and Rue.

Estrella didn't quite know, but she doubted there was so she said no anyways.

And she didn't think Elliot was a good influence on Rue, but they hung out a lot, which meant she would no longer be around Jules for too long and depend on her for happiness.

Sure it was worse depending on drugs for happiness but...honestly, Estrella didn't even fucking know.

She was too high in the moment to fully comprehend or even know anything, slouched on Elliot's bed with him and Rue, listening to them talk about love and loss after smoking some weed after school.

Elliot invited her over with Rue yesterday, and then again today, and she actually had fun yesterday so she didn't decline today's invitation.

She told Fezco she'd be hanging out with the Rue and the guy who saved Rue's life on New Years, and although he wasn't too confident in Estrella hanging out with two drug addicts, he didn't wanna be that boyfriend that keeps his girlfriend from hanging out with other people.

Plus her being away for a while would be good for them. In a way.

Hrr first day back at school made them both realize that they were both attached as fuck to each other, and Estrella wanted to change that, which is mainly why she was hanging out with Elliot and Rue.

She still missed Fezco though. Nothing compared to spending time with him. He was her person.

She planned on going to the store before it got dark and spend the rest of her day with her boys and Faye, who had grown to kinda be Estrella's new best friend.

"How does Jules not know that you're doing drugs?" Elliot asked Rue, bringing Estrella out of her daydream about Fezco.

Rue scoffed, "Cause I'm good at my job," She answered, passing the blunt that was now ar roach to him.

Elliot took it in his fingers, staring at it before taking a hit. "Do you think it's a good thing that we're friends?" He asked, glancing at Estrella after what she had said.

"Yeah, why?" Rue questioned.

Elliot licked his lips as he handed the blunt back to Rue. "I just feel like...we might not bring out the best in each other."

"I feel like I'm okay with that," Rue smiled.

Elliot smiled back before glancing at Estrella again, "Cool. I'll roll us another blunt."

"Ugh, please don't. You literally fucking suck," Estrella groaned as she sat up in Elliot's bed, then got up and checked herself out in his mirror.

He scoffed, "Yet you helped us smoke two of them."

"Yeah and little pieces of weed kept falling out and onto my tongue. Watch a Youtube video or some shit, for real," Estrella advised him, which he ignored as he began rolling up. "Rue Rue do I look hot?"

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