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"Fezco brought another girl home."

Estrella gave Ashtray a confused look and laughed, taking it as a joke because she knew Fezco wasn't like that.

She closed the front door as Ashtray broke their hug, but never stopped looking up at her with his big puppy dog eyes that made him look like the most innocent kid in the world.

When we allllll know he's far from it.

"What?" Estrella laughed and pushed Ashtray aside. "Anyways did you guys eat the sandwiches I made? Cause I can make something else if you want, I–"

Estrella stopped talking mid sentence as she walked into the kitchen, her eyes landing on Fezco and then at the girl next to him.

Faye. The junkie who accused her of eating Fezco's ass for oxys last night.

Estrella blinked a few times as Fezco, Ashtray, and Faye all stared at her.

She glanced back at Ashtray, who raised his eyebrows in an I told you so way and scoffed.

She knew Fezco hadn't brought her home like that, though. Like, the way that Ashtray was implying, which led her to believe that Ashtray wasn't happy at all with the current situation.

So she knew Ashtray wasn't all the way for real. Because Fezco would never do that to her.

He was literally the purest and sweetest and kindest guy she had ever met. And he was also hopelessly in love with her. So no way would he cheat on her.

Estrella didn't even think that Fezco knew what cheating even was, to be honest.

But something still bothered her.

"Fezco, what the fuck?" Estrella asked her boyfriend, who was staring at her the whole time.

He continued staring at her before looking behind her at Ashtray.

"I could fucking kill you right now," Fezco told him before putting all his money away and standing up.

He walked over to Estrella, placing his hand on the small of her back and led her into the living room, eyeing Ashtray as he whispered something in her ear before stomping back to his room.

Whatever you do, don't fucking forgive him.

"I know this looks bad but I swear it's not like that," Fezco lowly spoke as he sat her down on the sofa.

"Then what's it like?" Estrella asked, genuinely curious but coming off as if she didn't believe him.

Fezco sighed as he rubbed his hand over his face, "I don't exactly know what the fuck happened but the cops are looking for her and I owe Custer a favor so I guess this is fucking it."

Estrella raised an eyebrow, "The cops are after her and you decided it's okay that she stays here?"

"I couldn't let her stay with Custer, if the cops find her wit him then he prolly gonna snitch us out in order to set her free or some shit," Fezco whispered. "She only gon be here for a while."

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