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Fezco and Star = soulmates.

Without a single doubt. And Fezco knew it.

"Hey Fez," Estrella said over the phone one night, a night where she and Fezco talked for hours on end through the phone.

"Wassup?" He asked, his voice deeper than usual as he was kinda tired, but not enough to want to sleep.

"Do you believe in soulmates?" Estrella was straight up and forward with her question, genuinely curious.

"Hell yeah," He answered as a smile spread across his face.

Estrella laughed, "Yeah? Why's that?"

"Why's what?"

"Why do you believe in soulmates?" Estrella asked him.

Fezco thought about his answer for a minute before smiling again and glancing down at his phone screen beside him to read his girlfriend's contact name off it.

"Cause you exist and you're mine."

Fezco didn't say it just to say it. Nah. He never did that. He never said shit just to say it, Fez always meant what he said.

And he definitely meant what he said about Star being his soulmate. He loves her with everything in him.

He didn't even know he could love someone as much as he loves her. So what else would that mean? She was his soulmate.

He was so fucking convinced and sure of it.

And he was also so fucking right.

Fezco woke up the next morning in a slight panic due to not waking up with Estrella right beside him like when he had fallen asleep.

He got up quick and walked out of his room to the kitchen to find her talking to someone on the phone with tears threatening to fall out of her eyes.

He nodded at her as a way to ask who she was talking to and opened his arms as he stood by her, pulling her into his embrace.

"I'm sorry," Hector apologized with a sigh. "I know I said that already but en serio, I'm sorry."

Five minutes left the robotic voice spoke.

"You can't just lie and tell them that you don't sell?" Estrella asked, not agreeing with his decision to plea guilty.

"That doesn't even make any fucking sense, why the fuck would I have drugs on drugs around the house for fun?" Hector asked, then took a deep breath. "And even if I plead not guilty, they searched the whole house. Took all my guns, took all the drugs. The fucking money counter and the scale on the table make it obvious I planned to weigh and sell all that shit. Pleading guilty will go better. It's only a few years."

"10 years is a few years to you?" Estrella asked.

"I know it's a lot more than my other sentences, but please princess, jus work with me. And don't try to come on my fucking court day tryna say I'm innocent. You could get locked up too for being an accomplice. And so could Fezco and Ashtray, so as much as I appreciate it, don't let them try to help. The feds will put two and two together, they aren't allat stupid."

𝐒𝐔𝐁𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄  @FEZCOWhere stories live. Discover now