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"Whatttttt do you want?" Estrella annoyingly asked after picking up her phone, holding her hand on Fezco's chest to keep him from continuing their makeout session, which Maddy had interrupted by calling.

Fezco smirked at Estrella's weak attempt, grabbing her hand in his and deciding to kiss down her neck instead.

"Wow bitch, don't sound too excited to talk to me," Maddy scoffed. "Get ready and let's go bowling!"

"Bowlingggg?" Estrella asked, unsure as she glanced at Fezco, who stopped leaving wet kisses on her neck to look at her and shake his head no as a way to say he didn't want her to go.

It was Saturday, and after trying to spend time away from each other during the week, they were spending all their time together.

They were currently on their bed, and had been making out for a few minutes after Estrella tried on a few outfits for Fezco.

They were about to take things further after Estrella began grinding against Fezco, with his help by guiding her hips with his hands, but were interrupted before they could after Maddy called.

"Kat and Ethan are going together but Kat says she really doesn't wanna go alone with him for some reason so she asked the groupchat if we wanted to go and everyone responded with a yes or no except for you sooo I'm calling cause I want you to come," Maddy quickly explained.

Fezco slid Estrella's skirt up a little while she listened to Maddy speaking, rubbing his fingers along her inner thigh to get her riled up in hopes to convince her to stay with him.

"Is Cassie's bitch ass gonna go?" Estrella asked.

"No, she gave us some lame excuse and then I tried to Facetime her but she didn't answer," Maddy muttered. "She probably feels bad about the Fez Nate thing and doesn't wanna be around you."

"She's gonna feel worse when I fuck her up," Estrella mumbled.

Maddy laughed, "So are you gonna comeee? Don't be a cunt and come."

Estrella glanced down at Fezco under her, who was staring up at her and waiting for her to get off the phone, hoping she wouldn't go out.

Tough luck Fez.

"Fine bitch, I'll go," Estrella agreed, making Fezco click his tongue.

"Ahh yes! Okay, ima finish getting ready then, love you, see you there. Meeting at 6," Maddy said before hanging up.

"Why you gotta do that?" Fezco asked his girlfriend after she put her phone down.

"Sorry," Estrella apologized and leaned down to give him a kiss. "But we have timeee."

Fezco smiled, shaking his head at her as she continued on with her previous movements.

"What time you gotta be at the bowling alley?" He asked.

"Not til 6," Estrella answered. It was almost 5, so they had time.

"Not til 6?" Fezco repeated before moving to flip them over, Estrella now laying on the bed as he held himself up above her with his arms.

𝐒𝐔𝐁𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄  @FEZCOWhere stories live. Discover now