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"Why is your phone buzzing so much, you don't have any friends," Ashtray said to Estrella, growing annoyed with her buzzing phone.

Estrella looked into his eyes from focusing on cleaning up his eyebrow slit with an eyebrow razor.

"I know you aren't trying to talk shit right now, I could shave off your whole eyebrow right now," She threatened him.

Fezco laughed at how quickly Ashtray shut himself up and just glanced at Estrella's phone on the vanity top while he sat in the chair and ate from the bowl of popcorn in his lap.

He sighed in frustration and just grabbed her phone to put it on mute, and also to snoop and see who was blowing up her phone on a Friday evening.

The quartet consisting of Fezco, Estrella, Ashtray, and Faye had just arrived home from spending all day at the store.

Faye was out like a light while the rest watched Scarface since it was one of Ashtray's favorite movies. And he had asked Estrella to fix his eyebrow slit since hair was growing around his scar.

Which is what they were currently occupied with.

Fezco was smoking all his newfound worries away while he stared at the TV. He couldn't sleep at all last night after Custer left.

He was nonstop thinking and worrying about the whole Mouse thing.

He and Ash had a quick conversation about the situation that morning while Estrella and Faye made breakfast. Estrella cooked and Faye just took everything out of the fridge and helped her set up plates.

Ashtray furrowed his eyebrows as he read text messages from someone named Elliot, and then from that Jewel girl that he knew Cal fucked.

Then a few from Maddy, the bitch that calls him Rollingtray. Oh, it was a lot of texts from Maddy. And two missed phone calls.

"Cassie's fucking Nate," Ashtray read a text outloud, which made Estrella freeze in place.

"Yo, should I order like, a pizza or somethin?" Fezco asked out of nowhere. "Y'all hungry?"

Estrella handed Ashtray the eyebrow razor anf took her phone from him, ignoring the texts from Elliot and Jules and reading every single text from Maddy.

Maddy and Kat were going back to the Howard's to hang out with Cassie and make sure she was alright after the night before.

Estrella obviously didn't really fucking care about whether Cassie was okay or not so she declined their invite to tag along.

Plus she promised Ashtray she would be home for movie night.

"Holy shit," Estrella mumbled as she read over Maddy's texts, then called her back and walked into the kitchen.

Fezco and Ashtray exchanged looks as she did, then both shrugged, Fezco going back to ordering a pizza on his phone, and Ashtray taking a look at his eyebrow in the mirror.

He smiled at the result before glancing back at his mother and then sitting back on the sofa with Fezco.

"Get hot wings, Princess likes those," Ashtray told his brother.

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