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Estrella ended up spending the night with Fezco after the whole shit with Rue.

She felt bad leaving him alone, and although he didn't say it, she knew he didn't want her to leave.

So she didn't. She told her dad she'd be staying at Maddy's to avoid any further questions or his suspicions, and stayed the night with Fez.

They watched TV with Ashtray for a while after he got home, then he went and locked himself in his room for the rest of the day, leaving the two to watch the TV alone.

Fezco had been quiet while they watched the second Shrek movie, up until he saw Estrella's shopping bags, and reminded her that she hadn't showed him what she bought.

So in hopes that it'd brighten up the mood, Estrella grabbed her bags and Fez's hand and dragged them both to his room so she could try on everything she bought for him.

And it definitely brightened up the mood. It even changed it a little, and put them both in the mood to do something else.

Which lead them up to their current state.

Cuddled up in Fezco's bed at 11 pm after two great, but tiring rounds.

Estrella traced the freckles along Fezco's face and neck while he stared up at his ceiling and took hits of the joint he held with his thumb and index finger, taking in and cherishing the moment, his heart fluttering every time her nail moved to trace a new freckle.

Fezco's main love language was for sure physical touch. It wasn't something he experienced a lot throughout his life.

So when Estrella came along, his needs for physical touch were fulfilled. Even as just friends, she loved to hug and touch. And he didn't know about, or really get the whole concept of love languages, but he knew that with her around and all up on him all the time, he was happy.

Something, if not everything about Estrella made Fezco really happy.

He felt as if he was in love...at least that's what he thought his feelings were, he'd never been in love, or loved someone other than Ashtray or his grandma.

Because his grandma told him not to fall in love. She said it was the one instinct he couldn't trust.

But he couldn't help it. If what he felt for Estrella was love, then he had probably failed his grandma. Because he knew he was already in way too deep.

But oh well, he didn't care. And if being in love with Estrella meant that all his nights would consist of her in his arms and tracing his freckles for the rest of his life, he definitely didn't fucking care.

But not caring that he possibly failed his grandma didn't even matter–Marie O'Neil knew that Fezco loved Estrella way before he himself even knew or felt it.

She had known from the second he started talking about Estrella, after they had met with Hector for the first time at his house for a re up. She was helping her dad bag different pills as fast as she could in exchange for some ice cream after the encounter.

𝐒𝐔𝐁𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄  @FEZCOWhere stories live. Discover now