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Fez and Star had that type of love that everyone wanted and dreamt of having.

It's funny to think that neither of them had ever been in a relationship before they got into one with each other, because they were both–in each other's eyes–the perfect boyfriend and girlfriend.

Or should I say husband and wife.

The first thing Star told me after I apologized to her was that she and Fez got married. I thought she was bullshitting, then she showed me the huge ass fucking mountain on her finger. And she was so happy.

That was one of the last times I saw her genuinely happy for a while.

Because not long after she and Fez came back home from her Vegas birthday thing, everything went to shit.

"That's a nice boulder," Ashtray complimented the wedding ring on Estrella's finger as if he hadn't already seen it before.

"Your brother's extra," Estrella laughed.

The diamond on the ring was really big. She told Fezco it matched his dick.

"No I think he actually for some dumb reason really loves you," Ashtray corrected and gave Estrella a confused look.

She rolled her eyes and snatched her hand out of his grasp, "Stop being mean or I'm keeping your snowglobe."

Ashtray's eyes lit up, "You brought it?"

"Of course I did," Estrella smiled and exited Ashtray's room with him following behind her and into the kitchen.

Fezco was at the table, already back to business and counting some money.It was raining when he and Estrella got home and according to the weather app, it wasn't stopping anytime soon, so he was staying home instead of going to open the store.

He glanced at Estrella for a split second before going back to focusing on his money as she grabbed the snowglobe that Ashtray had asked for.

She once brought him one from Mexico a few years ago, which she had completely forgotten about until he mentioned it when she asked if he wanted anything from Vegas.

Ashtray smiled at the new snowglobe he was handed, shaking it for a second before looking up at Estrella and thanking her.

He disappeared back into his room to glue his eyes back to his game monitor, like they had been the past five days.

"How was Ash?" Estrella asked Faye, who was making popcorn.

"Eh," She shrugged. "He was alright for the most part, but that's only because he was mad at me so he ignored me."

"What'd you do?" Estrella laughed, joking because Ashtray was always mad at everybody and everything.

"I asked him if he wanted me to tuck him in like how you do and he got all mad and defensive," Faye explained.

Estrella laughed and glanced at Ashtray through the window, laughing even more once seeing him glaring at Faye.

"Oh my fucking god, bruh," Fezco huffed as he picked his phone up off the table, which had been buzzing a few times.

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