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March 21, 2016

I haven't had any run ins with Harry since the singular incident a few weeks ago, but I know he's here. He always books the same studio I do from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. everyday - I assume he's working on his solo project. I conveniently always leave before that time slot rolls around everyday to avoid him. What happened between us is meant to be unacknowledged.

Today is different however, because when I walked into the studio five seconds ago, I was met with five sets of eyes on me, one pair belonging to Harry. The others I recognized to be producers, Jeff, Tyler, Kid, and...Luke?

They all only glanced at me for a split second before returning to their conversation, "Luke, please just come with us for the day." Jeff begged.

I frowned as I watched the scene unfold. Luke is supposed to work with me today. I'd like his help to mix a few demos so I can get them registered before I fly home for my brother's graduation.

I would forgive Luke if he chose to go with the other group. It could be a really big deal for him to work with such a well known artist first hand. I'm just not a fan of Jeff and I don't like the way he seems to be pushing him.

Luke met my eyes from behind the front desk and immediately walked around it to stand next to me.

"I've already told ya, I'm booked for the mornin'." He shrugged unapologetically, wrapping a lazy arm around my shoulders.

"We'll pay you triple what you'll make off whatever you're working on. Please, just for today." Jeff pleaded again.

"Sorry, bud, but I'm loyal to my girl, Sise, here. It's all her number one hits that have been payin' my bills recently - wouldn't wanna risk messin' that up." His response made my heart warm. Luke's like a golden retriever - very loyal.

"Luke, you can work with them today, I'll be fine on my own." I lied. If he goes with them today, I'll have no reason to be here anymore, but I'd never take that opportunity away from him.

Jeff backed me up, "See, she'll be fine. Just play for us this one time and you can go back to writing sappy little love songs with your girlfriend some other time."

Harry who had been silently indifferent to the entire exchange froze at the mention of the idea of Luke being my boyfriend.

"How dare you disrespect her like that? Do you know who she is? Now if you'll excuse us, Sienna and I are going to go write Justin Bieber's next big hit." Luke defended me, leaving all of them stunned as he guided me toward the studio.

"What a prick." He mumbled when we were inside the soundproof walls of our reserved studio.

I laughed, used to the discrimination from the 'big' people in the industry, "What did they even want from you anyway?"

"They wanted me to fill in for their guitarist, apparently he cancelled last minute and no one else is available. I'm not even good at guitar." He whined.

"I agree. You're much better at the harmonica, they must be pretty desperate to ask you. Should I call my brother?" I asked.

"Mitch? Yeah, you could call him, but if he can't, I wouldn't stress it. You don't owe them anything."

"I'm well aware of that, but I'd rather not be on four of the big names bad sides. You never know what the future holds." I point out.

Luke scoffs, "Please, Sise, you've never cared about peoples opinions. If I didn't know you, I'd say-"

"Ah," I cut him off, "Don't you dare say what I think you're about to say." I warned him as I typed my brother's number into my phone.

Luke holds his hands up in surrender, "I never said anything."

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